Chapter 1 | Manipulator

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Lucy smiled at the blond haired young man when she spotted him at the bar. The man smiled back and motioned her over.
She obliged and made her way over.

The blond man was chatting with his best friend; Rogue Cheney.
The duo was always together, but like they say; opposites attract.

"Hey, Sting. Hey, Rogue." Lucy greeted them as she approached them.
Rogue nodded at her and as for Sting he slung his arm over her shoulders, bringing her closer to them.

Lucy felt a tingle tickle her mind when Sting did that,—like everytime he does that—but she ignored it and kept her smile up.

"Wanna go on the mission with us?" Sting asked her with a grin.
"Yeah!" she replied with excitment. "What is it about?"
"I'll tell you about it on the train." Sting told her, sliding his arm off her.
"You won't be able to." Lucy reminded him.
Sting slouched, remembering.
Lucy giggled at his reaction. She grabbed Sting's and Rogue's hand and dragged them out of the guild to the train station.
Sting wobbily stepped out of the train station. Lucy giggled even though she felt the sting in her head.

"If you continue being that weak, you won't be joining us on the mission." Rogue told him, annoyed

Rogue healed up more quickly than Sting did when the train stopped. Though Rogue still felt light-headed, he stayed stable.

"Don't be to hard on him, Rogue." Lucy scolded him.
"No it's fine, Lucy." Sting said and breathed in to calm down.

Lucy stared at him grimly, but said nothing. The trio started to walk away, making their way to their clients address.

Lucy walked in front of them, humming to herself with her hands behind her back. Her ring shined in the gleaming sunlight and the two young men stared at it with a grave expression of sadness.

They shared a look that only they understood.

Lucy looked over her shoulder, wondering what the two dragon slayers might be thinking about that only they understood.

She smirked as a thought crossed her mind. Lucy stopped in her tracks, her hands still behind her.

"Are you guys flirting silently together?" Lucy questioned them, her smirk growing wider when their cheeks and ears turned a dark shade of red. Though Rogue tried to stay composed and not fidget to show how he was embarrassed and shy. His lips trembled when he tried to speak. However, Sting gave her a pleading look, trying to tell her to shut up because he told her a long time ago about his feelings for Rogue.
He didn't want Rogue to know yet.

"We were not." Rogue finally uttered, giving Lucy a glare. His face going back to its normal color.

Sting sulked, disappointed. Rogue didn't seem to notice and that caused Lucy to give him a pitiying and apologized look.

Normally their exceeds would say a comment, but the both of them are not there. They have stayed back at the guild. Lector told them that he had something to do and Frosch had nodded. So it is only the two dragon slayers and strongest celestial mage of Sabertooth on the mission.

They continued to walk. Minutes later, they arrived at their clients house. Lucy knocked on the door and waited.

The door creaked open. An old white graying haired man in the doorway, staring at them with his pale green eyes in surprise.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice dry.
"We're members of Sabertooth, sir." Lucy mentioned politely. "We're here to fufill the quest you've sent."

The man's eyes widen. He rushed out of the door only to push the three mages into his house. The man slammed the door shut behind him and locked it immediately. A ton of bolts were on the door.
The trio shared a look of concern.

"Are you ok, sir?" Lucy asked him.
"Of course... Of course..." the man answered and walked past them. "Follow me."

The trio shared another look and followed the man into a living room. The man invited them to seat down and they did when the man himself sat down.

"Why did you hurry us inside?" Sting asked, not being able to hold the question any longer as the curiousity burned him.

"He could be listening to us." the man answered. "He could be anywhere." The man opened up his arms, motioning his hands at the room as an example. "I do not want to take any risks. Sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Josh Walker. And I must say I am very happy that someone finally accepted my request."

Lucy nodded. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia and this is—"
"I'm Sting Eucliffe and this is Rogue Cheney." Sting introduced both himself and Rogue, pointing at the latter.

The man nodded gravely and sighed. "I hope you are fit for the mission." he muttered to himself. "Anyways... It is simple... I want him dead."
"I'm sorry sir, but we don't kill humans. We only annihilate mon—"
"That man is no human." Josh interupted. "He is a monster. You must kill him without hesitation."

"Mr. Walker, we can't kill him. If you want him dead you should have hired an assassin." Sting said.
"You have accepted this mission, you must fufill it!" Josh yelled.
"Why must we kill him?" Lucy asked. "What did he do?"
"He is a danger to society! He must be destroyed!"

Lucy sighed, rubbing her temples.

"We will capture him, but not kill him." Rogue said and stood up.
"Incompetent children!" Josh yelled. "Get out of here! You don't even deserve the reward! If you want it, bring me his head!"

The mages scurried out of the house with the old man still yelling at them.

"What the heck is his problem?" Sting asked when they were far enough. "He should be the one locked up."
Rogue shrugged and Lucy didn't answer, she was thinking of something. There was something bothering her about the old man.

"Hey," Lucy uttered, stopping. "Did you feel anything weird in the house?"
They stopped too and looked at her, shaking their heads.
"It smelt and felt like a normal house." Sting answered. "Didn't feel any different."
"Maybe it was my imagination." Lucy mumbled.

"We should find a place to stay for the night." Rogue told them, nodding his head at the setting sun.
The others agreed and walked off.

Unknown to them, someone was watching.

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