Chapter 4 | Heartfilia Residence

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She had persuaded the two dragon slayers to let her go alone. It took a lot of persuasion, but she managed to win.

She now stood in front of her old home, where she has lived before. Nobody had been interested in buying it so it lied there untouched and uncared for.

She walked up the steps, then stopping in front of the two huge doors. Lucy took a deep breath before pushing them open and steppping in. She sneezed as she entered, dust filling the air.

Lucy immediately made her way up to the huge attic. Going up a ton of stairs and pulling on a string to let the ladder that leads to the attic come down and then walking up that ladder and stand in front of a ton of old stuff covered in dust and webs.

Lucy sneezed again.
She then walked up towards a stack of boxes. She went through them, taking stuff out and putting them back in when she sees that what she wants isn't in it. She goes through another box and does that for some time, going through many different boxes and taking stuff out and then putting them back in, until she finally found what she wanted.

She gripped the rusted key in her hand and left the attic.
She rushed down the stairs, stopped when she was on the second floor and ran to her room.
Lucy opened her unlocked door, stepping inside. She walked to her half-empty library. She pulled a book and the library slid open. The rusted key still clenched in her hand, Lucy stepped in with the library shelf closing behind her. She walked to the door in front of her and put in the key. She turned it and pushed the door open. She put the key in the pocket of her blue jean short-shorts.
She didn't bother closing the door behind, instead she walked towards the old elevator in the middle of the room. She pulled the door fencing, the rust grinding and she forcefully opened the doors of the elevator and stepped in. She didn't try to close them behind her as it would be too difficult.
No buttons were inside the elevator when she entered because what was the need of buttons when you could only attend one floor? The elevator stopped at the last floor and went up on the last floor, simple.
Lucy pressed her palm against the wall of the elevator. It then started powering up. The elevator jerked as it when down, screeching the whole time it descended, showing how long it hasn't been used.

It jerked to a stop. Lucy stepped out, pulling the door fencing open and then looked around the room.
It wasn't a surprise when she saw dust everywhere in the room. A ton of webs hung in the air to the wall and ceiling. She wafted them away as she made her way to the middle of the room.

She stomped her foot on the ground and a book appeared in her hands. Surprisingly, no dust or webs was on the book. No title was on the cover of the book, but it didn't matter because Lucy knew what it was.
With the book still in her hands, she walked down the steps of the mansion.

It took her a while to get out of the mansion, earlier.

The elevator got stuck when it went back up. Lucy had panicked and had put the book down. She had looked everywhere in the elevator. Finding nothing, she put her palm on the wall once again because what made the elevator work was magic.
Her magic helped in jerk up, but it stopped, not going any further. She then had put both of her palms, letting her magic energy flow into the elevator to bring it back up.

Lucy had succeeded.

When she had left the secrete room and entered her old bedroom. She learned that the door to her old room was locked from the outside—not locked, but more like something was blocking it on the other side. She knew that she didn't close the door behind her.
Having a feeling that someone was there, which was almost impossible, but not improbable, she took out her whip from her belt with her free hand and kicked the door down. The door slammed against the floor with a loud thump. She had then stepped out of the room, lifted the door from the ground to see nothing that could have held the door. Lucy then tried to put the door back, but it didn't actually work. Although, the door stayed upright in the frame. She left it like that even though she had a feeling that it would fall when she left.

Lucy stopped walking when she saw a group of mages in a line in front of her. All of them were staring at her.

"Look how cute you are." one of them said.

"Who are you?" Lucy asked them, her free hand reaching for her keys at her belt.

The one who talked grinned at her maliciously. Then the whole group faded.

Lucy blinked, confused. She looked around, trying to find where they went, her hand still above her keys.

"Long time no see." a voice purred in her ear.

Lucy swirled around, her eyes widened.
She took in the man who smirked at her. He had dark blond hair reaching down to his shoulder and covering the left side of his face, hiding his left eye. Right on top of his head were a pair of ears. His nose was small and black. He had a tail the same color as his hair and ears.
His appearance was so distabliziing that Lucy couldn't describe him more.

The man looked familiar, however. She knew she saw him before. But when?
Her head stung like it tried to remember but didn't want to. Like something was blocking her from remembering. And then she remembered.


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