Chapter III

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Hermione woke to the freezing cold biting into her skin and the creaky sound of the old hospital cot she currently occupied

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Hermione woke to the freezing cold biting into her skin and the creaky sound of the old hospital cot she currently occupied. She roamed her sight, confused by her surroundings. Green curtains, rusty hospital cot, looking well-acquainted with that of St. Mungo's.

Hermione used the bits of her remaining might to hold her weight as she pulled herself to sit. She hugged her knees and buried her face in her arms to ease the cold. She hissed under her breath, pushing the heels of her hand against her closed eyes. Her head was pounding in pain, almost burning holes inside her eye sockets.

Her curiosity briefly diverted her from the pain. Hermione rolled off her bed, landing silently on the cold marble floor. She strode towards the left corner of her curtain-enclosed room. Her hand quivered faintly as she slowly shoved the curtain from obscuring her view of the space next to hers. A horrified gasp escaped her mouth as the scene in front of her sunk in.

The sound of Rabastan Lestrange moaning as he moved on top of the petrified Padma haunted Hermione as she stood there. His face buried in Padma's jawline, sniffing her hungrily.

Hermione barely recognized what she felt witnessing the terrifying and heartbreaking scene. She felt cold from the fright, hot from her simmering rage, and numb upon realizing everything.

A painful grunt came from Padma. Not long after, Rabastan Lestrange held her at wand point. The silencing charm absorbed her voice, making her more helpless as he dishonoured the young woman.

The sensation of her forcibly summoning wandless magic made Hermione giddy and wobbly leaving her no choice but barge in and possibly murder the man. She was in the middle of strategizing her plan when a calloused hand sealed her mouth, hauling her back from her room.

"Don't fight it." A voice whispered firmly in her ear.

She struggled and screamed under her muffled voice from the hand on her face. She spent several attempts to free herself from the arms that suspended her. Hermione finally did, but it was when her captor shoved her back into her creaky cot.

"Nott?" Hermione called as she recognized him.

The room was muted quickly as Theodore Nott cast the silencing charm, enclosing their conversation.

Driven by fear, anger, and panic, Hermione squeezed her back against the metal headboard of the hospital cot. Rage and the urge to murder were evident in her eyes despite the panic that crawled inside her.

"Don't even think of forcing yourself on me, Nott. I've got nothing to lose, and I won't hesitate to kill you!" Hermione warned sternly, clutching the sheets beside her.

"Don't!" Hermione blurted out, pointing a finger at him. "Don't come any closer. I'm warning you!" She added, throwing random things she touched near her.

"What on bloody Earth were you trying to do, Granger?" Theodore Nott asked, catching the pillow she tossed at him.

"I'm going to kill that monster!" Hermione cried angrily, turning sharply on her left side.

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