Chapter XX

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The Dark Lord ordered to suppress the magic of the majority of the prisoners held under the dungeons. The longer they could not feel the magic in their system, the quicker they lost grip of their minds. They gradually forget the sense of magic in their blood, leaving nothing but the concentrated dark magic infesting their body.

The sound of prisoners clanking small pieces of bricks against the cell bars and their incessant wailing echoed from wall to wall as they slowly lost their sanity upon losing their sense of magic. Some of them had discussions with the cold stone wall. Some of them counted the strands of their hair while humming a lullaby. Some of them laughed continuously as they scratched themselves until their skin tore. Some sobbed hysterically in the dark parts of the cell.

The scene was rather unsettling. Even a sane prison guard would lose his mind if his subconscious were easily distracted. The sense of dark magic was thick, making it hard to breathe - only those immune would've survived the concentrated dark magic down there.

Malfoy sat comfortably on the stone seat inside Seamus' cell, and waved his wand all over the place, casting the silencing charm - waiting for Seamus to spill his confession. He twirled his wand with his fingers smoothly. The frequent practice was noticeable in the way he flawlessly fidgeted with it.

Malfoy watched Seamus kneel weakly on the dusty and bloody floor of the cell. Both his wrists and feet were chained with massive shackles. The orange lighting from the torch that provided a gentle light made his fresh wounds seem to sparkle. He looked outside, scouring and observing everything.

It wasn't a surprise, but still, it inflicted shock on Seamus upon seeing the situation of the prisoners.

"They... they weren't like this before when I was here - WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!?" Seamus' growled as he tried to throw himself towards Malfoy, but the chains held him back, electrocuting him as it sensed resistance.

A fractured grunt escaped his lips as he curled into a ball, trembling onto the floor until the electric shock from the chain faded.

"It is a new curse created by the Dark Lord," started Malfoy as he casually stood up.

"They were tortured - "

"No," said Malfoy in a clipped tone. "It's a new curse created by the Dark Lord. Magic suppressing curse. The victim loses his sense of his magic, and dark magic will soon take its place, infesting the victim's mind, driving them into insanity..."

Malfoy started to wander in loops around Seamus. He was calm and collected whilst Seamus flung vicious glares at him.

"And... death. A not very comfortable death," said Malfoy as he stared at the blood Seamus spat on his boots.

"I am telling you, Malfoy. You will never get away with this!" Seamus' voice echoed around. The walls seemed to shake as he raged at Malfoy.

Malfoy scoffed.

"Don't blame this on me!" Yelled Malfoy as he faced Seamus. His fury won.

"You were the one who put yourself and the resistance in fucking danger!" Malfoy's eyes reflected boiling frustration. "We have a plan! We have a proper plan! Do you fucking hear me!?"

Anger spread through the room, and the air suddenly felt condensed. The dark magic from Malfoy's anger poured from his system, unleashing itself within the enclosure.

"I told you to stay the fuck down! Wait for my signal or Severus' signal! But what did you do!? What did you do!? You sabotaged my tasks! You ruined our plan! You got yourself captured and almost blew my cover!"

"Don't look too high about yourself, Malfoy! You and Severus are not one of us! Do you think you could fool us the way you tricked Luna and Ginny!? How pathetic of you to think that we'll rely upon you?"

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