Chapter 1

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Dear my lovely readers, this plot made my day so bright and I want to write it, soon ... In the middle of "My Eyes on You" story.

This story I wrote in Forth fov, all of the scene. If not, I will tell you

Of course it containt sexy scenes like always I had on all my stories, just a smooth and lovely scene ... (But, still, I have to warn you, lol)

So, enjoy ... ❤️❤️❤️

(Forth pov)

My head hurt.

I woke up with my whole body feeling crushed.

Hey, this isn't my room. I looked around and realized that it was a spacious room and the same model as mine, even some of the furniture was the same, only that the room I was in now was dominated by white and light brown which was soft and smelled good.

I tried to get myself up, but instantly my head was spinning and with one long "oooohhhh" I collapsed back onto the bed.

I stared at the ceiling in this unfamiliar room, trying to guess who the owner was and why I were here.

I heard the sound of the door opening and someone closing the door and turning the key.

I heard the person appear with a wary attitude. My head hurts and my body aches all over the place, but I can still defend myself if I need to.

Someone appeared on the threshold of entering the room. He looked at me and smiled. I was stunned.


He waved his hand and walked over to bed. "Hi, Forth."


Beam bandaged my injured right arm with a bandage after applying anti-infective ointment.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. He's halfway down below me and I can see his long, thick, curly eyelashes flutter gently under his thick eyebrows. His pouting lips were red like cherries and he smelled like vanilla.

Gosh! This man so adorable.

People notice him as a casanova. Suddenly I feel iritated.

"Baramee, how can I got here?" I asked curiously.

"Beam. Just call me Beam. You are Pha's friend, meaning, we can be friend, too," he answered cheerfully.

"Ah, oke."

"And its Kay, my junior who found you in the abandoned field behind the second building. He said, you passed out after beating 11 men."

"Then why am I here? In your room?"

"I was at the convenience store near the field when Kay came in frantically looking for help. I followed him and recognized you, so I asked Kay and two of his friends to bring you here. This is the closest place to where you passed out and I don't know where either you live. So, well, here you are."

I am quiet. I know Beam because he is a friend of Phana, my fellow participant in the moon campus competition when we were in our first semester. Beam is always with Kit, following Phana to the training hall.

Beam is the idol of the girls. He came into the hall with Phana and Kit, then left with a girl or two he was attracted to. He wasn't flirting or attracting attention, it was just that the girls were always willing to throw themselves at him.

" ... Forth ..."

"Huh? What, Beam?"

Beam chuckled. "I asked where do you live?"

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