Chapter 12

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"Trina and I have been best friends since we were little. We promised to marry our children when they grew up. However, after marriage she was taken by her husband to move to Canada and we lost contact. I heard she had problems in her family too and never came back to Thailand. I heard from doctor Jov Intochar that Trina couldn't have children because she had an accident and her uterus had to be removed. I was very sad to hear that and spontaneously offered Forth to be adopted by Trina, through doctor Jov, "Leah said with a dreamy look.

Forth was very surprised. "Mom? You intend to get rid of me?"

Beam patted Forth's thigh and gave a sharp glance to signal him to be quiet. Forth pouted but obeyed Beam.

Leah chuckled. "Trina almost agreed because she really liked the baby Forth whose photo I left with  doctor Jov. However, something happened and I didn't receive any more news from her after that. I finally forgot and stopped trying to contact her. What happened with her then, Beam?"

"I was adopted by doctor Trina  when she made a visit to the mental hospital where I was being treated. The adoption process was complicated because doctor Trina was already a Canadian citizen. After everything was official, doctor  Trina decided that I should stay in Thailand and move into her old house in near doctor Jov's house. She came back to Canada because at that point, she had to focus on her job as head of the mental illness department at a Canadian hospital and caring for her terminally ill husband."

"Oh my God, what a sad," Leah muttered with concern. "You don't see her often?"

"Once a year for two weeks I always go to Canada to live with her. After I graduated from high school, she asked me to move to Canada, but I already received a scholarship to enter the medical school of Metronomia with her nephew Kit and my other friend--Phana."

"What about your adoptive father--Trina's husband?" Gary asked, handing Beam an apple. "You haven't sounded offended at all since."

Beam cleared his throat and was a little nervous. He looked at Forth. "He . . . I call him Uncle John, doesn't really like me. He was nice to me when I came but that was it. He kept his distance from me and it seemed, because of that too Mom, I mean, doctor Trina never urged me to come with her to Canada."

Leah hugged Beam and kissed her hair. "Poor child. I heard that Trina married a foreign man who was stiff and older than her."

"Forth, go up to your room now with Beam. Get ready. Your grandmother will be here soon. Your two brothers are almost there too," said Gary firmly.

Forth pouted. "Dad, what is Grandma really planning? She wants to set me up? With who?"

Leah stroked Forth's shoulder gently. "You know Farah, right?  Grandma Miel's favorite granddaughter?"

Forth pounded the table. Beam jumped in surprise. "As expected, that bitch!"

"Never mind that. We don't like the girl either and we almost hired someone to pretend to be your boyfriend to get grandma to cancel the plan. Luckily you came with Beam and what's more, Beam is Trina's daughter."

Forth took Beam up to his room. Beam admired Forth's spacious, navy blue and white bedroom, with a large bed, thick rug, two bean bags on the carpet, television and a full set of gaming computers and a large wardrobe.

The rooms open out onto a balcony overlooking the pool. Forth asked Beam to take a warm bath and he carefully prepared all of Beam's needs.

"Forth," Beam called before entering the bathroom.


"Are you sure you want to do this? I'm feeling . . . a little scared now. What if your grandma doesn't like me and insists you're still going to be betrothed to Farah?"

Forth approached Beam and pulled his waist close to his body. "You want to run away with me? We can borrow some money from my brothers and my parents might want to help too."

Beam hit Forth's chest while laughing. "You're crazy, Forth!"

"I'm crazy for you, Baby. I'd do anything to stay with you. You already know that, right?"

Beam smiled shyly and pressed his forehead against Forth's chest. "I love you, Forth. Baby wolf?"

"Uh, don't start calling me that either," Forth said with a frown.

He let go of the hug and pushed Beam into the bathroom slowly. "Come in and lock the door. I might break in if you keep acting cute like this."

Beam laughed and kissed Forth on the lips quickly before disappearing behind the bathroom door.

Forth sighed and adjusted his pants which now felt a little tight.

Forth and Beam came down not long after and found two men with similar faces and stature, but dressed differently, sitting in the living room. Leah and Gary is nowhere to be seen.

"Baby Wolfie!" one of them exclaimed when he saw Forth descend from the second floor.

"Phi, don't call me that," Forth snarled. He grabbed Beam's hand and held it tightly. "This is my twin brothers, that's Phi Wine--he's calmer, this one's Phi Grant--is noisy and annoying. Don't go near him or you'll get high blood pressure soon."

Wine and Grant laughed loudly at Forth's words.

Grant looked at Beam. "Hello Georgeous, who are you?" he asked.

Forth pulled Beam behind him. "His name is Beam and he's my boyfriend. My fiancé and will be my husband after I graduate."

Wine approached Forth and Beam. He flicked Forth's forehead and pulled Beam gently. "You possessive brat! We've heard the story from Mom and Dad. Hello, Beam, my name is Wine and this is my twin Grant. Gosh, Forth, I can understand now why Mom thinks you threatened Beam to be your boyfriend. He is to good for you."

Beam gave a wai to the twins. They look a lot like Forth, but with a smile like Gary's and lighter skin than Forth like Leah.

Grant ruffled Forth's hair. "Finally someone can tame you up, wolfie."

Forth laughed and hugged Beam's shoulder. "I don't see Phi Brandon, where is he?"

"He'll be here in a minute. There was an urgent client earlier."

"You're going to love Phi Brandon," Forth told Beam. "He's a small man with a mountain of courage. He's the only person Phi Grant fears. So if Phi Grant bothers you, just report it to Phi Brandon."

Wine, Forth, and Beam laughed at Grant's sullen face. Then, a soft female voice made them all turn towards the door.

Forth squeezed Beam's hand and whisperred in Beam's ear. "Our grandmother."


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