Chapter 34

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"... and with the power given to me, I hereby declare you husband and husband. May God be with you in all aspects of your life, amen...."

Forth and Beam looked at each other and smiled. Forth kissed Beam on the lips, smiling as he whispered, "You know, honey, from the first time I fell in love with you, I knew that you would be the most important part of my life and we would be one forever. I love you, Beam, everything in you , forever my life for you."

Everyone cheered, congratulated and said prayers for Forth and Beam. Kit and Phana wiped away tears while Ming and Mond were busy stroking their lover's back or arm. "Beam has finally found his home, Pha," Kit whispered. Phan nodded. "Forth is the best for Beam. They will be happy forever, because they deserve each other."

Forth and Beam approached Grandma Shanee who was seated accompanied by most of the Jamorhnoom family and also Trina Intochar.

Grandma Shanee hugged them with both hands and looked at Forth and Beam with pride. "You have kept your promise to work hard and take care of each other. From now on, you will face challenges as a more diverse family, so live well. Honest, fair and sharing, then you will get a lot of good."

Beam squeezed Forth's hand and looked at him lovingly.

"There's a present I've been preparing for you for a long time."

"You don't have to give anything, Grandma, we just need your blessing and when you do it's enough for us," Forth said, kissing his grandmother's hand.

Grandma Shanee just smiled and waved at Torn, who handed him a black folder. Grandma Shanee gave the map to Beam. "Open it."

Beam opened the folder and read the piece of paper that was inside. His eyes widened. "Grandma, this...."

"Yes. This clinic will be yours and I hope you will work hard to make this clinic become more and more developed over time. One day, this FBJ clinic may become a big hospital, like other companies that have been developed from small to large, made big by the other Jamorhnooms before you."

Forth and Beam hugged Grandma Shanee with tears in their eyes.

"We will try our best, Grandma. You will never regret giving us such a great gift. Thank you so much. We love you," said Forth and Beam nodded too.

Gary cleared his throat and raised his wine glass. "Let's toast. To the happiness of the bride and groom as well as all of us."

Everyone raised their glasses and shouted, "Cheers!"

Beam leaned on Forth, kissed him on lips and say, "I am the luckiest man in the world because I have you, Forth."

Forth hugged Beam and kissed him on the lips and say, "Thats my line, Baby. I lov you very much, my vanilla  boy, till death take us together to heaven."

*** THE END ***

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