Chapter 24

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"I told you not to tease me." I scolded Beam this morning and feel bad for him too.

He woke up late because last night was too tired after I devoured him. Beam really made me unable to contain myself.

I gave him breakfast in bed and made him eat two painkillers after I finished bathing him. He insisted on staying in college today.

"Phana must be on class by now. I hope he reads your message yesterday and brings the book you need."

Beam leaned towards me and kissed the tip of my nose with a mischievous smile. "Don't be angry, sexy. You make me horny with pouting lips like that."

I really wanted to grab Beam and bring him back to the dorm. However, he had to go to college and become a great doctor after graduation because we both had a promise for our future.

"Send a message when you're done. I'll pick you up," I said, kissing Beam's forehead.

He waved and walked to his faculty lobby. I was just reaching the car door when someone greeted me.

"Phi Forth!"

I turned and saw Wayo walking closer to me waving his hand. I refused to open the door and waited for Wayo to approach.

"Hi, Nong," I greeted.

Wayo looks in a hurry. His face was red and he was panting for breath.

"Nong, what's wrong?"

Wayo came closer and held my hand. He was so close that I could smell his sweet, fruity perfume.

"Help me, Phi, someone is after me. He's a maniac and always bothers me. I can't take it anymore."

"Hey, calm down, Nong," I said, holding his shaking hand. "Who is that person? I'll help you clean it up."

Wayo shook his head and hugged my waist. He rested his head on my chest and sobbed. I was confused, but Wayo's crying voice was so piercing that my hand moved to stroke his back to calm him down.

"Forth! What are you doing?"

A voice rebuked me in a very cold tone. I turned around in shock, so did Wayo.

He let go of his arm and stood next to me. I felt my knees turn jelly when I saw Phana and Beam standing in front of me.

Phana who just reprimanded me. He stood up straight with his arms crossed in front of his chest and an eyebrow raised, while Beam didn't budge next to Phana. His face was flat and his eyes were blank.

I stepped closer to Beam, but he immediately took two steps back and Phana stepped forward, standing between me and Beam. He fortified Beam from me.

"Pha, get out of the way. I need to talk to Beam," I hissed weakly.

Phana holds my chest with his palms and turns to Beam. "Beam, do you want to talk to him?"

Beam looked at me coldly then looked away. His lips thinned into a line. "No, Pha. Let's go back now. I'm not in the mood to watch romance movies in the morning like this. It makes me sick."

"You hear?" Phana hissed. "Don't approach him until he's ready to talk."

"Phi Pha," said Wayo in a cheerful voice. "Long time no see, Phi."

Phana just looked at Wayo without smiling and turned around, following Beam who had gone first.

"Beam, Baby, I'll pick you up this afternoon. I'll explain everything, Baby." I nearly scream my words.

My whole world felt like it was falling apart. Beam must be furious. He saw me hugging Wayo, in his faculty parking lot.

I got into the car with unsteady steps, not listening to Wayo's call at all. I drove the car like a madman to my faculty.

The blood in my body seemed to be drained from remembering how cold and sharp Beam's gaze and words were. Why did Wayo suddenly appear there and who are the people attack him so he just came ran to me?

Beam and Phana must have thought that there was something going on between Wayo and I, seeing our position like that.

Wayo hugged and cried on my chest, I hugged and stroked his back. Oh God, I'm so stupid.

I'm a possessive lover, I have to admit because I don't even like seeing Beam get too close to Phana after he became my boufriend, even though I know they're best friends since childhood and not just the two of them but Kit as well.

Everyone knows that I had a crush on Wayo, during the moon campus competition season, although later when Wayo confessed his love for Phana which ended up being rejected, I realized that my feelings for Wayo were not in a romantic sense but rather platonic.

Wayo is a cute boy and more like a little brother that I need to protect.

"Hey Boss, what's wrong? Why is your face so wrinkled when it's still morning. Did Beam turn you down last night?" scolds Park.

Lam, Mike, and Mond laughed at Park's joke. They were sitting in the cafeteria, at our usual place. I plopped down next to Mond, across from Park, Lam, and Mike. I told them what had just happened and for a moment they were all silent.

"Why did you do that, Forth?" asked Lam with furrowed brows. "If I were Beam, I would behave the same way as him. You once had a crush on Wayo and whatever your reasons, Beam must have been worried that Wayo would take your heart again."

"Hm, that's right, Forth," Mike added seriously. "You see Wayo, the boy has become more handsome and cute lately, after Phana rejected his love, as if he was trying to make Phana regret rejecting him. Wayo is very cute and adorable."

"Hey, Mike, if you think so, how about you go after him, so Beam doesn't worry anymore?" Asked Park.

Mond made no comment, just nodded as he played with his phone. I was thinking about how to deal with this when Mond suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. His face looks pale.

"Hey, Forth, sorry, but there's something I have to do. I'll follow you to the dungeon later."

We saw Mond leave in a hurry. Mike snorted. "It must be about his crush. He really makes me suspicious. Why is he keeping secrets from us?"

I took the phone and wrote Beam a message.

[Babe, don't be mad at me. What you saw just now wasn't meant to be what you thought.]

I waited, but there was no reply. I'm typing again.

[Baby, please forgive and talk to me, hm? I just love you, no one else.]

I put down my phone in desperation. This is really going to be hell for me.


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