Chapter 10

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(3rd person pov)

"I was only seven years old when my father died of cancer. My mother had to work hard because we were very poor. My father's illness consumed all our money. My mother was very beautiful and a few months after becoming a widow, a man who was also the boss at work. like him. They started dating, but the man didn't like me. My mother, because of her need for money, always tried to please him and many times she locked me in the cellar of our house when he came. I've told you about that before."

Beam's eyes were wet. Forth kissed Beam's hair to calm him down. "Stop if you're feeling heavy, honey," Forth whispered.

Beam shook his head. "Then that man started beating my mother. He was mentally ill. Every time he finished beating my mother, he would say a flowery and indulgent word of love for my mother. I hated it so much. One day, when he beat my mother again, I succeeded came out of the warehouse and recorded his actions. I ran to the police station and then the police arrested him. However, he is a rich man and my mother didn't dare testify. He was released one week later, came back to my mother, beat her again and this time beat me too. He even.. . harassing me."

Beam covered his face with both hands. Forth hugged Beam tightly. His heart ached and he wanted to stop Beam, but Beam needed this moment to tell his story.

"What I went through depressed me and he took advantage of my situation to put me in a mental hospital. He bribed the hospital staff and nurse to give me drugs that made me lose consciousness. Two years later, I heard my mother died after being beaten too hard. That man was shot by the police while he was trying to escape after a neighbor of mine reported his actions."

"Oh my God, Baby," Forth whispered, kissing Beam's forehead. "You must be in a lot of pain."

"One day, a doctor found an oddity in my medical records and he investigated my case until he finally arrested the nurse who worked on me on the orders of my mother's boyfriend. The doctor nursed me to recovery and took me home. He is doctor Trina Intochar, Kit's dad's younger sister. Doctor Trina adopted me because she couldn't have children herself. Since then I've been close to Kit and Phana--who live next door to mine and Kit's."

"That's why you get angry when someone says they love you?" asked Forth, stroking Beam's hair.

"Yes. I don't understand why people say love but hurt their loved ones. To me, love is absurd. The bad man said love after torturing my mother. Some mental hospital patients and even the nurses who took care of me also expressed love when they tried to harass me again. Girls who ask me to sleep with them say they love me when they have a boyfriend who loves them."

Forth lifted Beam's body and placed him on his lap. Beam faced him, his legs wrapped around Forth's waist. Beam looked into Forth's eyes. "Why did you come to me now, Beam?"

Beam leaned his forehead against Forth's forehead and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath before saying, "I missed you."

"You miss me? Then why have you been missing this week?"

Beam laughed and kissed the tip of Forth's nose. "Farah came to me. She asked me to stay away from you. She said you don't really love me. You're just filling in the blanks while waiting for your engagement to her to be finalized and you two will get married soon after you graduate."

Ford was surprised. "Farah? Why would she say something like that to you? I have absolutely no idea what she was saying. I thought she liked you. She always looks angry whenever I tease you and she's clearly trying to get close to you and how can she be so confident in saying such a thing?" asked Forth in surprise. "I don't even know her that well."

"She said it was your grandmother and her grandmother who made the matchmaking plan since you were little."

Forth thought hard, then he understood. "Bitch! I think she got halucination on that."

Beam hugged Forth tightly then let go again. "This is what made me fall in love with you, Forth. You're a big innocent man. You're honest and open like a book. You're just being who you are without faking anything and you're brave. I've been watching you for the past week, what  you did for me and I think now I'll steel myself to act bravely. I'll claim my man. You."

Forth pulled Beam's waist. "You accept me?"

"Yes. If you're still interested."

"Fool! You will forever interest me. I love you, didn't I tell you that?"

"You know, Forth, I took great strides to find you. I don't know who else to trust if you turn out to be just toying with me or dumping me later. I'm... actually not sure this is true and I'm scared."

Forth hugged Beam tightly. "No scare anymore, Baby. I'm not good with words, but you should know what I can do for you, Baby. I'm never half-hearted in doing what I love and loving you is the one thing I love most and believe in. You don't have to put all your heart on me, so when you feel doubt and want to leave me, you will not feel heavy. I will bear your burden and you can walk freely. I am stronger than you."

Beam looked at Forth with watery eyes. "Don't make me fall deeper in love with you, Forth."

Forth laughed and kissed Beam's forehead. "Ah, Beam, do you have any final plans tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Uhm, no. Actually I want to ask you out, if tonight you accept me as your boyfriend."

Beam's face flushed and Forth was furious.

"Then we should sleep early now, because tomorrow morning I'm taking you somewhere. We'll stop by your dorm so you can pack a little."

"Where to?"

"You'll find out later. Now, my lovely boyfriend, can I hug you while we sleep together? I promise I'll be nice. I need one more important step before I truly make you mine."

Beam didn't understand Forth's point, but he didn't refuse when Forth kissed him.

"I love you, vanilla boy, my lovely Baby Beamie."

"I love you, Forth, my big wolf, love you so much."


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