Chapter 31

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Beam could barely stop himself from buying this and that.  Ming and Kit, busy stopping Beam from pointing to things that caught his eye.

Phana had long since given up and finally decided to order food for their lunch. He is with Mond. Park and Lam just left two days ago following Forth for an internship at the same company. The three of them will return home on Saturday afternoon.

Mond will be doing his internship starting next month with Mike and two of their other friends. Phana wants to spend more time with Mond before he too is busy with his residency at the hospital with Beam and Kit.

"Ah, I'm so tired," Ming said as he plopped down next to Phana. "Phi Beam really intends to drain his entire account."

Mond chuckled as he thrust a piece of potato into Phana's mouth. "Phi Torn gave Beam the Jamorhnoom family platinum card, so he doesn't have to worry about shopping. Forth asked me to make sure Beam uses the card to buy everything he needs."

Ming and Phana were very impressed. "The Jamorhnooms are really that rich? It's incredible," said Phana.

Mond nodded. "You know that the Jamorhnoom family has controlled various industrial fields in our country, several American states, and European countries since the time our parents were not born. According to my grandmother, since she was little, the ancestors of the Jamorhnoom family have started their trading business. "

"Their family is dominated by great engineers and they are all hard workers. I think Phi Forth and his three brothers were born with a golden spoon in their mouth, but they are also still required to be something on their own, not just relying on family wealth. That's why the family is getting bigger and bigger," Ming continued in awe.
"Phi Forth will graduate with perfect marks, right,  Mond?"

"Yes. He really studies hard, even though he has a lot to do."

"He even takes very good care of Beam," Phana muttered in admiration.

"No! If you can't stop now, you might end up keeping yourself and Forth from sleeping in your beds because there's too much stuff in your house," Kit said as he dragged Beam over to the table where their friends were waiting for lunch.

Kit sat Beam across the table opposite Mond and he sat next to Beam opposite Phana. Ming moved next to Kit and wiped the sweat off Kit's forehead with a tissue.

"Ming, I'm so hungry," Kit grumbled. "Beam is really draining me out."

Ming laughed and held out a tray of lunches that Phana had ordered for him, Kit, and Beam. He also gave Beam's lunch tray, who looked annoyed.

"Your short legs keep you from walking fast enough to keep up with me, Kit," Beam snarled as he tossed a potato to Kit.

"Hey!" Phana scolded while glaring at Beam. "That's enough, Beam. Kit's right. Your apartment will get too full if you don't stop shopping. You're wasting Forth's money."

Beam put down his spoon and looked at Phana. His eyes are glassy. "I didn't use the Forth money or the platinum card Phi Torn gave me at all, Pha," Beam said hoarsely. "I used my own money. Since my mother--doctor Trina, adopted me, I've never spent the allowance I received from her. I saved everything because I didn't want to bother her all the time. One day I'll repay her by becoming independent on my own. A few days ago I asked my mother for permission to use my savings to buy everything. Forth had already bought the apartment for us and I wanted to be active in our relationship as well, not just accept everything from Forth and his family without doing anything."

Everyone at the table was stunned to hear Beam's long speech and they gasped when Beam finished speaking, he lowered his head and tears rolled down his eyes.

Mond's face turned deathly pale and he squeezed Phana's hand under the table. "Babe, you have to apologize to Beam. If he ever tells Forth that you scolded him, I can't even guarantee that I can defend you against Forth's wrath."

Phana looked at Mond with eyes filled with horror. Mond nodded and when Phana looked at Ming, his junior was also looking at him with worried eyes.

Phana reached out and grabbed Beam's hand on the table. "Beam, hey, Beam, I'm sorry. It was my fault for thinking and saying stupid things like that. Don't be mad at me, will you? Please? I'm sorry, Beam? Please?"

Beam wiped his tears and looked at Phana. "You should buy me the round, monochrome patterned rug I saw at the carpet shop, and I'll forgive you."

"Sure, Beam, sure," snapped Mond quickly, squeezing Phana's hand under the table. "You can even buy a patterned mat to match the rug. I'll make sure Pha gets it for you."

Phana smiled weakly and nodded. Beam smiled happily and started eating voraciously.

Mond heaved a sigh of relief, while Ming and Kit looked at each other and shook their heads.

They were having lunch peacefully when Beam's phone rang. Beam looked at his phone screen and his face was beaming. He received the phone with a smile.

"Hi, Baby." Beam says hello.

Phana and Mond get tensed. They knew it was Forth calling.

"I just finished buying some of my necessities."

Kit and Ming chuckled at Beam's words.

"No, just a little. Phana stopped me from being extravagant. Said I shouldn't be wasting money."

Phana gasped. Beam smirked. He made his way to Kit and Ming, got out of his seat and away from his friends to have a private talk with Forth. Ming and Kita laughed amused seeing Mond trying to calm Phana.

Beam returned to their table after speaking with Forth and calmly continued his delayed lunch. His face looks radiant.

"Pha, Forth thanks you for buying me that rug I like," said Beam happily.

Phana just nodded, not wanting to argue or answer anything. He had given up on the evilish beam.

Mond touched Phana's knee under the table when his phone vibrated. There's an incoming message from Forth and its contents.

"Mond, tell your boyfriend to let my Beam shop as he pleases. Don't stop Beam from buying whatever he wants."

Phana bit his lower lip after reading the message, then leaned in and whispered into Mond's ear.

"Babe, let's get some curtains to match that damn monochrome rug too, but you'll probably have to cover my living expenses until next month because my savings will be drained."

Mond kissed the back of Phana's ear while laughing. "I'll cover all the expenses you need for the rest of your life, Baby. I may not be as rich as Forth, but I can more than make you happy even if you don't become a doctor."

Phana blushed and looked at Mond lovingly.

Beam put down the spoon with a loud noise. "Come on, let's go to the carpet shop. I can't wait to bring home that gorgeous monochrome rug and of course it's free."

Ming and Kit burst out laughing.


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