Sticky Situation(1)

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Tommy POV

"ELECTION DAY BITCH!" I scream to my friend Tubbo. He has been my friend for so long now, he is the best!

"Hello Tom! I'm voting for you. Who are you voting for?" He manages to spit out before catching up to me.

"Myself duh Tubz! Are you a dumbass?" Rolling my eyes we go and vote. Schlatt, Big Q, Wilby, and the rest of L'manburg citizens were there. It was fun and everyone was getting along! The only thing was that Dream was able to vote. That green blob was bragging about how he voted 'Schlatt 2020' and how 'Pog 2020' was a mistake. I wanted to so punch him for it, but I contained myself.

It seems as if that memory was only yesterday of me and Tubbo. Now it was election day and it was time to watch the faces of all our soon to be sad faced opponents once they lose.

"AND NOW WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!" Wilbur started, "THE FINAL VOTING NUMBERS!" He finished ringing out as loud as he could because of our lack of a half decent microphone. "Now will the top two voted people...TommyinnIt and Jschlatt please rise?" We stand up and I look at Wilby. Judging by his face we were close in numbers. "Ahem" He said in a disappointed face as he opened the envelop with the winner. "Jshlatt you have won the election there for becoming the new president of L'manburg..." There was hesitation, "Please take your place on the stage" He said and walked over to me as I sat back down embarrassed in my seat. This was because I knew something bad was going to happen as soon as my heart dropped.

"Thank you, Thank you" Schlatt began with a sinister smile. "I am excited to be the new president of 'Manburg..." He began to shout, "The king, THE EMPEROR!" shocked gasps and boos came. "pft..." I spat, "Like you had no clue" I mumbled and rolled my eyes. Even though I was scared and shocked myself. "When I said things will be a lot different starting tomorrow..." He took a deep breath, "I meant it. Lets start changing things right now." He eyed Tubbo and Big Q. "May my team please join me on stage?" George comes from behind as Tubbo and Big Q step up the stairs. Schlatt looked even more evil now. It sent chills down my spine...

"Yes President Schlatt?" Tubbo said and he sounded so uncomfortable. I felt really bad for Tubbo but I knew he was safe. I had not noticed but while the new 'Government' was talking things out, I was clung on to Wilbur and he looked worried. So I hugged him tighter for a split second. I think I helped him feel a bit clue.

Wilbur POV

Tommy was hugging me. I could tell it was his instinct because of the way he reacted once he realized it. I patted his head and ruffled his hair. "It will be okay Tom...don't you worry!" I say trying hard to help him but lets be honest I was just as scared as him. Jschlatt finishes his little 'team meeting' and goes to our broken, but some how lively microphone.

"Lets start making change happen now shall we?" He said with a chuckle. I did a big gulp...he did'nt mean it did he? Surely not we are on the same side. Right?

"Wil..." Tommy started

"I WANT TO..." Tommy cut his voice off again a little bit,

"Surely n-" Jschlatt starts shouting louder,

"...REBELC THE CITIZEN SHIP!" Tommy starts stammering the same sentience...

"Surely n-not Wil..." but now all I can hear is Jschlatt and his death plunging words...

"OF WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINIT" I grab Tommys hands and start running...but why am I running...Instinct? Courage? Bravery? I don't know, all I do Is call out to Tommy.

"TOMMY RUN TOMMY WE'VE GOT TO RUN!" We almost make it out before I get shot with an arrow and black out.

Tommy POV

Wilbur got shot...

663 words, edited
(I'm not trying hard to edit these so their still is going to be a lot of mistakes!)

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