The Void(8)

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Third Person POV

"Ah there we go welcome to the void y/n!" The system said brightly. Karl was going through some files in the back ground as y/n looked in awe.

"Now that we finished Schlatt's history we will move on to..." The system's voice trailed off as he forgot what it was named, "Oh yes thats right the Soot's history! My personal favorite!" The system said happily remembering.

"Computer I have the memory files of Wilbur Soot, Sally Soot, and H-Fundy Soot." Karl said.

y/n was confused on why he almost started Fundy's name with am 'H' oh well.

"Are you ready to jump in y/n? This period has a lot you can learn about!" The system beamed.

"I believe I am Computer!" y/n said wanting awnser on them more than before when they signed up for this.

"The here we go!" The system said. Right as it went back to black.


Memory Selected

'Soot Family Past'

"Correct" y/n said blankly remembering the steps from last time.

Teleporting to Viewing Room....

Teleport Complete

Enjoy your stay

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