Who Am I?(11)

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Tommy POV

I ruffled Hopes hair as we hugged. Once i stopped I looked up at Eret. Hope's eyes then meeting my eyes and following my gaze.

"How long was she with you Eret?" I ask plainly. She could have been out here for hours for all I know.

"Oh I would say an hour give or take." He replied. He seemed to be in a good mood today. Thats odd? Or is it? I guess he has been stressed for a little while or seemed it so a smile was new. Whatever it was Hope helped with it or it was over.


Time Skip?
{Next Few Days}

Hope Narrating

Me an Eret would hang out while dad was gone i was staying for a month and tomorrow will be the first day I have that will be just me, dad, and Uncle Tommy. Uncle Tommy is pretty cool once you get to know him! I have also met some other people like Tubbo, Niki, Jack, and a few more. It was nothing big but its something I would love to call home.

However my new best friend was Eret. We would go flower picking, make flower crowns, watch the sunrise, do stargazing (my personal favorite), and just have tons of fun! Speaking of that I learned he is Bisexual! I was planning on telling him something tomorrow I hope it wont change our friendship.

Anyways goodnight and sweet dreams...


Hope POV

I woke up to my alarm. Other wise known as Uncle Tommy. I sat up in my bed and slid my legs off the edge of the bed. I hoped down and speed walked to my closet. I pulled out my binder, undergarments, a baggy t-shirt, fox shoes, and shorts that fall just at my knees.

I went to the bathroom did my morning routine and got dressed. One I get done I went downstairs and joined everyone else. Yesterday I said goodbye to Grandpa Phil and Uncle Techno. So I was finally able to go to see Eret for a longer period of time.

"Morning my little champion!" I heard dad say. While Uncle Tommy was getting use to Dad's deep morning voice I was use to it. It was comforting? I really have no other words to describe it. I mean it not scary.

"Morning Papa Wilby!" I said cheer fully.

"Someones happy! What is my nephew doing today?" Uncle Tommy questioned. So I did what any person would do and said a bare minim. Nothing that was untruthful, but not fully true. It what my family likes to call a 'word game'.

"I'm hanging out with Eret he said he had a surprise! Can't wait to see it." I say and it works cause father is not getting mad at me using the 'word game'. So with that I ate my bread and headed out.


/Time Skip\


"Mr.Eret!" I yell running towards him arms open.

He spins around on his heel and has his arms open towards me. We connect into and embrace. It was a warm hugs. Eret always knew how to give the best hugs no matter how much taller he might be.

"Hello my little princess! You seem in a great mood!" He said. While the words pained me a bit I was glad to get this pain. This secret I've held locked inside of me out soon. We came out of the hug and I stood there while Eret was looking in his pockets for something.

He found what he was looking for and handed it to me. Wait. Is this? Does this mean?

Eret POV

As I was looking in my pockets for Hope's gift for her soon to be 10th birthday. In two days? Oh there it is! I pulled out. It was two pins. A bisexual colored one, and a matching pansexual one. Both where in the shape of a star. To represent out love for stargazing.

"Here you go princess! Matching pins so when you leave we remember each other." I say making sure that Hope understood. However she more than understood she was already asking if we could put it on each other so it was even more special. I just giggled in response.

I hand Hope my pin and she places it in the front of my hair lightly to where it wont hurt me. I then take Hopes pin and place it in her hair. She was really helping through this new found stress of what would come in the upcoming months. Not only wars but...plans.

"Aw Mr.Eret! This is so cool! LOOK THERE IS A LAKE LETS SEE HOW WE LOOK!" Hope says running across the lake. She is so happy she is skipping every other step. As I approach the lake after her I get a glimpse of myself. I looked happy. Apart from that my pin looked nice. I quickly pull away from my reflection but no too quickly to raise suspicion.

"We look stunning! However a true princess like you always does." I say complementing Hope. However she seems off. As if I had said or done something wrong? I hope not...

Hope POV

"We look stunning! However a true princess like you always does." Eret says. Even though I know it is in the best way possible. I can't help but still get some sort of unknown pain from this. I guess now is a better time than ever to tell him.

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