Its Stuck(17)

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Third Person POV

As the youngest turn around. To find the source of the voice it come to them instantly. Its their eldest brother Techno.

"Ah welcome home!" Phil says in a cheerful tone. Wilbur however could hear something Phil did not mean to slip.

Wilbur heard a tone his father only used for one meaning. He slightly alters his voice whenever he dose not fully trust something.

Wilbur started to internally panic. "Oh hello Technoblade! Meet my friend Nightmare!" He quickly spat. Trying to sidetrack him from Phil.

"Hello there Mr.Blade." Tommy said in his deeper monotone voice. Due to his mask still being up you could see a genuin smile.

"Call me Techno. Also Phil I need your help with something." Techno said. Picking up on Phil's voice too.

As the two leave the room Tommy adjusted his mask.

Phil POV

As me and Techno fade into another room I can tell their talking.

"Whats up Phil? Sounded like something was bothering you." He said sliding some items into their respected chests.

"I know Nightmare means no harm, but I have suspicions that Dream introduced him for a reason. I just have a-" As I ramble Techno gives me a look at the word Dream.

"Phil. What dose Dream have to do with that kid?" He said stern. Right he knows nothing.

"Ghostbur let it slip he's dream's brother." I say in response. As I pause I hear some of the conversation in the other room.

"Its wont come off. Its stuck..." I hear Nightmare say. However he almost sounds like Tommy?

I know Techno heard and thought the same. Just based on his facial expressions.

"Techno. Today I was told Tommy died. Right now I'm not too sure." I say only loud enough for him to hear me.

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