'Not Me'(18)

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Tommy POV

I start to panic. My mask wont come off my face...It's like its glued to it. Wilbur calms me down.

"Hey, hey...Nightmare let me see its enchantments." He said because we noticed small ruins. It looked like someone tried to hide them.

As Wilbur checked the enchantments he backed in shock. I looked at him in confusion.

"I-it has binding. Meaning its 'glued' to who anyone who wears it till death." Wilbur said coming into a hug. This made me shiver.

Dream had no intention on letting me run away anytime soon. He wanted me with him till death...no wonder he needed a 'sidekick'.

"Will...I'm scared." I wined hugging him back. He looked at me. I don't care who knows I'm not Nightmare now.

I just don't want this stupid mask on me anymore! It scared me the thought.

At that moment both Techno and Phil came up. They just watch as I sit crying in my brothers arms.

"Okay me and Techno need a good explanation on why Wilbur looks like Ghostbur and Nightmare sounds like Tommy now." Phil said in a very stern voice.

Time Skip

I lay their falling a sleep crying vulnerably in Will's arms while he explains everything.

As the world fades to black as my body chooses to let sleep consume it. Before I am fully asleep I give Wilby one last 'hug' goodnight...

Philza POV

As I take in what Wilbur told me I ask so questions around the time we finish I look down at his lap.

A sleeping Tommy lay their comfortable in his brother's lap. I'm glad they can get along at least a few times.

(Huge) Time Skip

Third Person POV

As our story wraps to an end their are many lessons to learn and a much happier ending.

In the end everyone has peace and dream is kept locked up in a bedrock prison. That he can't escape from, and everyone has peace with the other.

Our great lesson from this is that some things aren't as it seems. Also that family is almost always their for you and so are your friends!

While its written in a happy ending in that world their is no happy ending...

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