The Deal(3)

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(A/N: This is where the 'NPC' thing started however all of that is going away! Sorry not sorry)

Tommy's POV

"Yeah actually I do. It's about you Wil." I said this without hesitation. I knew it was now or never.

"You have been pacing...and have been looking deep in tough. Are you okay?" He looked stressed? Why though, he really looked in deep though too.

"Wil? It's okay! Just was making sure everything was okay..." He looked up relived. What was that reaction? I will get to the bottom of this that is for sure.

"Sorry Tom I just have a few things on my plate! I'm going for a walk and get somethings. Be back in a bit!" Was this really Wilbur? My brother Wilby? Saying such words.

This really meant something was happening and I was not informed about it. I'll just have to find out for myself...

Wilbur's POV

No that was the closet call ever...good thing he is still young.

I need to talk to Dream though. Tomorrow is the deal day, but I think he might like my idea enough to let it slide.

"Looking for me dear friend?" Someone called to me. Who was that? I turned around a saw a shadow. I squinted hard. The shadow noticed.

"I guess it does you no good if you can't see me.." Oh, that was Dream!

"Dream! Yes, I was looking for you!" That was stressful. "I wanted to talk about the deal."

"That's tomorrow Wilbur I said no sooner, no later." He said almost as if he wanted me to still talk about it. How did he even do that? Oh well...

"Yes, I know." I said.


I just shrugged it off because Dream was unfazed.

"I know my answer. It's yes, but I was thinking to keep it from Tom a bit more. I have some things planed and need him for it." He had no emotion just a mask so I continued, "I was also hoping to offer him an offer similar instead of you doing it." He just nodded his head.

Almost if he knew what I was wanting to do before I even knew myself.

"Yes, yes I figured that as his brother you would want that. Very well Just include me in these  plannings of yours." Dream said smoothly.

Almost as if he knew everything. This really scared me, but hes my friend I trust him! I was walking to go back. That's when I saw a third shadow. Someone was eavesdropping?! I walked closer to see...

Tommy POV

"Yes, I know." Wilbur started.


Shoot I stepped on a stick...They did not seem to care so that's good.

"I know my answer. It's yes, but I was thinking to keep it from Tom a bit more. I have some things planed and need him for it." He continued. Wait. Keep what from me. What is he agreeing on?

"I was also hoping to offer him an offer similar instead of you doing it." What was he going to offer me because that stupid green blob wanted?

I was getting mad when I saw someone else was there. I could barley make it out, but someone is defiantly there.

"Yes, yes I figured that as his brother you would want that. Very well Just include me in this planning of yours." Dream said.

He...he wanted Wil to do it? What were they up to? Could I still trust Wilby? He was my only family, but...wait...shoot why is Wil coming this way?!

I quickly duck for cover so he wont see me. However, the other shadow. The other eavesdropper was cough.

"Dream! Someone is over here!" He said. I dared to look up and Wilbur had cough them.

"Well...well we have a little spy? Or is he with you Dream?" He said almost frustrated that if Dream did let him here he did not tell him.

" George was not brought here with me, but I can assure you he wont say anything..." Dream said. He looked pissed.

"George come here..." Wow was this George? Are we talking about 'Manburg George...I have never seen George without a suit.

He had a blue t-shirt with the numbers '404' I don't know what it means. Oh well. He had jeans and some boots. He looked like a king a little bit. He had a mushroom. His white glasses brought out his dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

He went to Dream and stood behind him.

734 words, edited
(I'm not trying hard to edit these so their still is going to be a lot of mistakes!)

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