Consequence (5)

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Tubbo POV

"Quackity please say your not going to die because I showed up late again..." I don't want my only other friend I just really got to know to die because of me.

"Nah that old man ain't got nothing on me. If he killed his husband what else might people think about him hm?" Quackity said with a calm seance in his voice.

~*Next Day*~

I woke up from my house. Built for one and only one. I knew why Schlatt wanted to see me.

Only question was what was Quackity's punishment. What type of consequence did he have in store for him?

As I was on my way to the meeting I saw Tommy sitting alone. He was crying? Tommy never cry's. I slowly walk up to him.

"Tommy? Are you okay big man?" I say softly and a began to sit on the rock too and hug him in my normal warm embrace. He looked as if he had been crying almost all morning.

"Is it true Tubbo?" He began. "Is it true that Quackity stood up for you?" I began to panic.

How did he know? How much did he hear? Did he know I was going to...die?

"Yeah, but hey we are both okay! No one got hurt. May I know why you care?" I said.

I was curious. How did he even know that much? And if so why cry about it? I thought he hated him. I thought he could care less about him...

"Oh...Does that mean hes gonna get, ya know? Offed?" Tommy said. I can't believe I heard something like this bad from Tommy.

The good part is though he had no clue what was set to happen to me today. Tonight at the festival. His own brother was set to kill me.

As far as I know Tommy must not have a clue or else were in big trouble.

"No Tommy as Schlatt's Husband. The worst that will happen is he gets beat really bad. Trust me if he dies it wont be in the hands of Schlatt." I said with confidence.

Because I knew I was right. I knew he would most likely live longer than me. He has a life worth living for anyway.

Quackity POV

I lived in 'Manburg so there for I would easily be on time for the meeting, but I left early so that way I could help Tubbo also get here on time.

I walk the general detection I walked with Tubbo last time we tried making it to his house. I heard distant sobs and voices.

This was pretty close to Tommy and Wilbur's house. I went to go check it out. If Tommy was in danger I was going to be the one to help him.

No matter if he wants to see me or not. I still cared too much about him. As I walked over to the source the sound grew louder and I could barely make out Tommy chatting with...well I don't know who.

But there was another voice that wasn't his. I just reached a point to see when I made out the second one to be Tubbo. That was nice to be able to confirm but...there was someone watching them right behind them.

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