Hope's Visit(9)

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Hope POV

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" I said waking Grandpa Phil up. "TODAY'S THE DAY! TODAY'S THE DAY!" I shout I was super hyper and could not wait and let any more of the day be wasted.

"Huh? Oh okay hope give me a few seconds and I'll be at the door go wake up Techno I will be right there." Grandpa was moving at a very sluggish rate.

"OKAY!" I said beaming with joy at the tough of leave right now and not only that but with Uncle Techno! Could this day get any better?

I rushed to my Uncle's room and bust in without knocking. "UNCLE TECH GET UP YOUR TAKING ME BECAUSE GRANDPA IS SLOW!" I said shacking the older pink haired male awake. "Come one I don't want to waste anymore timeeee" I said holding out the 'E' to show a sense of sarcasm in my voice.

"Okay. I'm up but if you don't stop bugging me. You won't have an early walker with you anymore." He said annoyance lacing his voice.

Soon me and Uncle Techno left the house and we were on our way. For the somewhat long walk ahead of us. However Grandpa Phil agreed that I could ride on his back if he choose to fly. Luck for both of us we got to fly. Uncle Techno did not seem to mind as he was meeting up with someone along the way.

As we glided through the sky's I thought about who I should ask about some of my more recent thoughts and or ideas iv'e been having for a while.

/Time Skip\

WIlbur POV

"Wil I can't wait to see my nephew!" Tommy said. He has been hyped up ever scene yesterday when I told him Hope would be visiting L'manburg for the first time. Seeming that we are more settled I thought that it would be safer for her to come. Also I feel like she would get along with some of the other citizens.

"I know Tommy she should be here soon want to wait outside or?" I started but was cut off by the younger blonde's excitement.

"YES! YES! YES! WE ARE WAITING OUTSIDE!" Tommy yells and rushes out of my van. Well he surely has the same energy as her. Hard to think that me the middle child is the father of her. Oh well. I start to walk out side then I heard something.


Something flew over and made the van rattle. I hurried the rest of the way outside to see Tommy running towards Dad arms open. Right next to him a small fox girl. My daughter hope. Tommy reached Dad and hugged him in a deep embrace. I knelt down on one knee and opened my arms to signal for her. As soon as I did she sprinted off towards me arms opening as she ran.

Moments later we connected in a warm embrace. "I missed you my little champion." I say as i pull her body ahead of mine for our eyes to meet.

"I can't wait to see your nation dad!" Hope beams. Wow she really us her mothers daughter.

Tommy turns around, after pulling away from Phil's hug. They both start making they way over here.

"Hey Hope! Im your Uncle Tommy!" Tom said getting closer and matching my knee motion so he is on Hope's eye level.

Hope was hesitant at first. So i stood up and offered a hand to her. She took it and I lead her to Tommy showing her that its alright.

"H-hi Uncle To-Tommy" Hope stutters. I could tell she was nervous so I kept my hand in hers just in case.

Hope hesitantly lets go and goes closer to Tommy offering him a hug. The hug only lasts a few seconds but its still a hug.

"Aw Wil you never told me I had such a cute Nephewwww" Tommy said holding out the 'w' for what he calls 'effects'.

"Tommy I don't believe she was described any other way" I say rolling my eyes at the child.

"Alright you two Hope needs to rest if she is getting that tour tomorrow she woke up early today." Phil says breaking the silence and or tension.

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