New Friend(10)

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Hope POV

I wake up with a soft yawn. I sit there in my bed to get my eyes to stay open. Once I am at least awake enough to get walk. I sling my legs so my legs are dangling off the side of the bed, and hop down.

I speed walk to my closet and grab my binder plus undergarments, an orange shirt, jeans, and fox pattern shoes. I lay them down and start striping off my old clothes applying my new clothes.

Once I am dressed I sneak out of my room. Im as quiet as the wind. Once I get out I take in the fresh air. If I remember anything I have time for an hour walk. I start down this foreign, yet familiar wooden path. As I was waking I saw a bench and decided to sit down. As I sat I saw someone else up and taking a stroll. They were a tall brunet with short hair. They wore a multi color cape with a white flower crown.

He looked up and start walking towards me. I froze as much as I wanted to discreetly run away.

As he grew closer I saw he wore shades on and a warm smile.

"Hello there! Are you new to L'Manburg?" He speaks with a deeper voice then I expected. However it felt very comforting.

"Y-Yes who may you be?" I say tripping over my words.

"Eret! To whom am I speaking to?" Eret says warmth lacing his voice.

"Dad says not to disclose my name to strangers." I say my head down. However my eyes keep wondering up towards the tall brunet.

"Oh you were raised well I see! Well, mat I at least have the pleasure if knowing one of your relatives name?" Eret says. I think back to what dad had said to me.



Hope POV

"Hope never say or disclose your name to strangers okay?" Dad says in a stern voice. "Daddy has lots of people who don't like him and would harm you if given the chance."

Being the naive kid I was I did not fully understand the importance...

"Okay but can Hope say daddy's name?" I say in a low energetic voice.

When I was younger I would always talk in the third person...I never knew why

"As long as they are not with the man we call 'Dream' I don't see why not" Father said reluctant at first. However caving in after he though he knew I was almost never going to be in that situation.

End of Flashback


"I suppose so." I try and match his manners but at last, I only could do three word. "My fathers name is Wilbur...Wilbur Soot" I say pausing before saying his whole name. I have never had to say fathers real or full name come to think of it.

Until Now

"Oh your the presidents daughter! You know your as valuable as you are princess. If the other side knows your father they would kidnap you instantly." He says pausing wondering if its a good Idea to be telling a kid this. "Your lucky I'm on your fathers side."

Wilbur POV

I am woken up by someone shaking me strongly. I turn over where my alarm is. I know Tommy is waking me up but as I get my eyes to stay open I still have 30 or so minutes till my alarm goes off.

"This better be important Tommy." I roll my eyes as I sit up, "If this about anything other than someone dying or Hope missing I could care less."

"That's exactly the problem Hopes missing." He says and when I hear 'Hope' I shoot up sliding off of my bed running to put a cloak on to head out. Tommy quickly getting his cloak and trying to keep up with me.

"When did you find this out?" I say stern walking along the 'Prime Path'. If she left willingly she would have listened and stayed on the path...

"Just now" Tommy some what of a whisper yells. He is also franticly looking around. He speeds ahead. I assume he is trying to split the looks so its less time.

Hope POV

Eret was now sitting next to me. He seemed nice and I was warming up to him.

Key word 'Starting'

I don't fully trust anyone ever one the first meet. On top of that Tommy came at us with full speed.

"WILBUR I FOUND HER!" Tommy said slowing his past. "Oh Eret! Thanks for watching over Hope!"

I hop up and run to Tommy. While I'm not use to mine and Uncle Tommy's hugs I rather him over this 'Eret' Dude.

I wrapped my arms around my Uncle in an embrace. "Sorry for scaring you Uncle Tommy! I was about to head home."

I looked up to see Uncle Tommy's warm smile and I could tell he meant it once the hair ruffles came.

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