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Wilbur POV

"Yes he is Wilbur. So watch your tongue in front of my little brother" Dream smiles.

He seems innocent. But I know he is not. I can practically feel his stare stabbing me.

"Oh well as you can tell I'm Wilbur! But call me Ghostbur till further notice!" I beam at this new kid. He seems nice. At least nicer than Dream.

Yet in shock? Why would this newbie be in shock? Oh well can't think about it too much. If he is with Dream he's fine!

"Um hello! I'm Nightmare as you heard Dreams younger brother." He almost reminded me of Tommy. Wow. Do I miss him? Eh. Could mean less right now. However, it might be nice to have some reminder of him!

"I have to go attend to business!" I said looking at Dream. With a grin before continuing. "May I bring the kid with me?"

These words seem to confuse both Nightmare and Dream. "I mean I guess, but bring him back straight after" Dream said. With a deep stern voice.

Man, my boss scares me sometimes. However, that's the fun of my job. The thrill of working with him! I nod and look towards Nightmare.

"Ready Kid?" He simply nods his head.

Time Skip

Tommy POV

We walk up on a familiar cabin. I can't put a name to who owns it. I have been away on an island for a while. Me and Wilbur approach it.

Once we get to the door I knock for Wilbur seeming as he is acting as a 'ghost'. Within seconds the door opens. It comes back to me! This is Dadza and Techno's house.

"Phil! I made a friend!" Ghostbur's voice said. I stiffen. It sounds so real. How dose he pull it off?

"Hey Ghostbur! And you are?" Phil said his voice filled with kindness.

"Oh!" I snap out of my trance. "I'm Nightmare!" I say trying out a 'new voice' out. Might come in handy to not get noticed.

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