Normal Day(13)

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Tommy POV

"Tommy~" I hear a familiar voice ring. I toss around in my sheets as I let my eyes slowly open. Once my eyes fully open I am startled by my 'friend's' smiling mask blankly looking back at me.

"Holy XD Dream! You scared me! " I shout as I sit up not fully awake yet. That can do a number on someone half asleep that's for sure.

Dream remove his mask revealing his face underneath. For the others on the server if they saw what he looked like no hood or mask. they would be shocked. Not because of how bad it is, but at how different he looks.

His brown hair layed messaly on his head covering some of his green eyes. Freckles doted his face. Acopanyed by his scars. He had a nice, yet scary look to him.

"So let's get this show on the road bestie!" Dream exlamed. Me and Dream have a tight schedule. Wake up and get ready, help out, and at the end of the week I drop everything I collected that week in hole.

As for the weekends he doesn't visit. I'm just there hoping for a friend to visit. However, that's impossible. Dream and Ranboo where my only friends and they where booked almost every weekend.

As my thoughts are closing and I foucous back to the world. I macanicly got ready some how while lost in thoughts. "TOMMY!" Dream yells. Anger very apparent in his voice...

Oh no! I left my friend waiting. He must be so mad. Whoops, that's not good at all! "Coming dream sorry still waking up!" I yell. Not out of anger,  but so I know he can hear me.

As I step out of my home. Well the closes it can get to one. I see Dream proped up oh his shovel with a hole next to him. As I drop my stuff he just smiles.

As creepy as it is he's my friend. So as far as I'm concerned that's just something real friends do according to Dream! Once I'm done we continue our 'routine'. Well I start before Dream.

As he blows my stuff up. I start my 'daily chores'. Something that will help Dream spend more time with me! So these chores vary from weeding to helping making and clearing paths in the neathor.

Don't get me wrong it's not normal for me to help people. However, not only is Dream my friend, but my only company in the mornings. So the faster I'm done the more time I get to spend talking with someone.

If there is one thing exile has thought me. It's that you should always make time to talk with friends in order to keep them. Speaking of friends. I don't fully believe Dream. Sure he might have changed and became my friend!

However, I still have faith that the others will come. Expeatoally for my birthday!its in a few days and ranboo promised to deliver my invitations for me!

This being said I have no clue if they will make it because I can't leave my little island. So I'm sending ghostbur too! I know it's such a smart. No! Pog idea!

As I'm shake out of my thoughts I'm finishing my first task. Clean up the island. Basically make it look as if it is always up kept. In fact is far from it.

Today I only have two chores which it looks like Dream finished the other one. I'll have to thank him later! For now though I get to spend time with him.

"Hey Tommy Want to get stuff ready for your party? Or do that next week with Sapnap and Ranboo?" Dream said looking over at me.

Hm more help would be better and I wanted to talk to Dream instead of work so.  I think it would be better to leave it till next week.

"Next week so we can work harder because we will be under stress! It's scientific proven people work better under stress!" I say.

Great! Now he thinks I'm some nerd who knows tons of facts. In reality that's about the only one I know not including women in it...

"Okay then fancy pants, what do you want to do then?" Dream says. As I start thinking of things to do he rests his mask right above his mouth.

I only can think about talking about the outside world. That and why ghostbur was gone for the past few days.

Making me rely on Ranboo and Dream for company. It's been so long I forget he is even one of the few friends I have. That vist me at least.

I mean sure I only have 3 'friend's who come to see me! However, I have tons more that i'm sure are just busy or scared to see what happened. Like Jack, Tubbo, Niki, Quackity, Fundy, and tons more.

Those are just the main ones...I think they want to be my friends...I mean...

What if I'm d-dead wrong? What if I am forcing them to befriend me? What if they befriended me out of pity?

What if they think I'm dead?

Did Tubbo really exil me for L'manburg? Did I really deserve this? Does anyone change?

No, no big man everyone has good in them. It's just up to them if they show it or not. I mean no one is obligated to show the good in them.

Even if someone was being 'good'. They still worry if its good in the publics eyes. If the public dems it to be 'bad'. Your a villan. Your the bad guy.

If your doings seem 'good' to the public eye. Your deemed a 'good guy'. Your granted the title 'hero' even if what your doing is actually wrong. The public eye sees that it's to their benefit.

There for a 'villain' can become a 'hero'. As well as viscersa. Because the public eye only cares for what benefits them. Now depending on the time different 'heros' are needed.

So different people will lose and gain that title. It's almost like a game of chess. There are pawns, king's, queens, knights, bishops, ect. Now depending on the peace. Depens on how important it is.

Each one being on a different scale of 'power'. Right now most of us are pawns just meet peces to a player's chess set. Being played around like fools.

No wonder Techno hates government. He's right it's corrupt. It tells the people what's 'good' and what's 'bad'. That there is no in between.

Dream POV

I can tell that he was deep in thought. Not because of lack of response but because he was looking into the distance at nothing...

He starts to shake his head. If there is one thing I learned from Tommy. He spaces out a lot around his 'friends'. It can be taken atvantage of. However, that's not what I'm after.

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