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Philza POV

Ghostbur showed me his new friend. He seemed sweet. Yet I was still wary about him. Something didn't seem right.

I would just have to let it play out. "Well them welcome! Would you like to come inside?" I question.

"Oh only if Nightmare is comfortable with that!" Ghostbur says turning to the kid.

He looked about Tommy and Tubbo's age. Which only reminded me of Tommy's exile. I missed that kid.

Nightmare looks over towards Ghostbur. Almost expecting him to respond for him. "I don't mind at all!" He said, I could just hear his smile.

If this kid really was bad news. I have a feeling he has no clue what he has gotten into. He seems too innocent.

"Perfect! Well then can I get you boys something to drink?" I show them the way to the couch.

"Oh silly you Phil I can't drink anything!" Ghostbur exclaims. Right ghost stuff...

"May I have a water?" Nightmare asks. He is so sweet and mannered.

Now wether he just used two different voice. I won't know. I have been overthinking things lately. Probably nothing.

Third Person POV

"How do you plan on drinking water?!" Wilbur questions. He was right. Tommy has a mask on...

"Lift my mask up to my nose no higher." Tommy responds blankly. He was just tried and craved something to drink. Something to clinch his thirst.

As the two sit in comfortable silence Phil finished getting the water and emerged into view.

"Here you are mate!" Phil said walking towards Tommy handing him the cup.

In doing so Tommy lifts his mask just enough for his mouth to show. While Phil and Wilbur talk he downs the water.

"Hows Tommy been in exile Ghostbur?" Phil questions meaning no harm. Just wanting to check up on his son.

"Oh, I don't believe I remember out visit today." Wilbur says putting on a frown. "However, I do remember Nightmare being there!" He exclaims quickly becoming happy again.

Nightmare chokes on his water. He can barely remember the lie he came up with. Not to mention that lie was practically see through.

"Oh. Have you not heard?" Tommy questioned giving him time to think.

"No? What happened to him..." Phil said a frown appearing on his face. Tommy looked down and copied his face.

"He died. We don't know how. I was brought to be introduced to him. Then we found him there." Tommy paused. Giving him time to catch his breath.

"Sorry that must be hard for you...sounds like he meant a lot." Tommy slightly looks up to see both of their reactions.

Phil was shocked and on the verge of tears. 'He actually cared for me?' Tommy though mind blank. Staring at the floor. Thoughts running around his mind.

Ghostbur was sad for a quick second and then switched to happy. Once he saw Phil he 'rushed' over.

"Phil! Are you okay? Do you want some blue?" He said frantic. Tommy had to give his brother on thing. His acting skills where on point.

However, Tommy almost felt as if Wilbur was hurt. That it pained him to know his youngest brother was dead.

"Phil who are they?!" Someone said as the door to the house basically slammed open.

"You might want to sit down mate..." Phil said. Tommy and Wilbur turning to see the source of the voice.

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