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Tommy POV

I woke up to Wil's groans. He was awake and in pain.

"Don't worry Wil we will figure it out and ill get some bandages!" I quickly speak.

After reassuring him and making sure hes alright I head outside and start to find the best bandage. I find some leaves and some string and that works for the time being. At least I hope it does.

"Tom...why are you worrying about me you should be worrying about yourself!" Wilbur says softly. As if everything was alright.

"Were going to figure it out so lets not worry about me."That when I saw he was applying a real bandage. That little trickster had one all along.

Tommy's Summery Of The Past Few Weeks:

We slowly made it like home and it almost was better than 'Manburg in some ways.

I'm just glad I still have Wil by my side. This was going great. I would wake up help WIlbur then go about my day and sneak out to meet Tubbo sometimes.

It was perfect but as time passed, Wilbur looked fixed on something as if he was in a deep thought.

Yet the weird thing was it was not just a day or two it lasted for three weeks before I spoke up.

Wilbur POV

I was pacing again. Tommy looked as if he wanted to say something, but I was too busy debating that offer.

'Yes...no, but it once in a life time. No...' On and On. It was like I was stuck in an infinite loop of a argument with myself.

I just need to remember he wants this answer in a week. No later. No sooner. I went to bed non-stop thinking still going on and on.

It was a good hour later when I heard a sound.

I was getting ready to kill someone. That's when I got the idea to just stay hidden and follow the sound. So I did.

"I don't know Tommy...Schlatt is getting suspicious of me...An-an-and if h-he fi-finds out i'm dead and you are and Wi..." I got closer and saw Tubbo.

What was he running on about? Who was he talking to? Why does he sound worried?

"Tubs...Tubs calm down. Okay? We are going to be okay! You'r just not going to visit for a bit and work things out. Everything will be fine. You'r doing the best you can!" Tommy. That was Tommy's voice talking to...Tubbo?! Is he betraying me? I have to eavesdrop this is not good.

"If you say boss-man. I think I gave you all the supply's I could get for y'all. Please be safe Tom, and I wish Wilbur well too." Tubbo said.

Wait...he wished me well? Not only that but Tom got the stuff from him? That's where it was coming from?

Oh I think I've made my mind up on the deal now. I won't let Tom be fucking with the wrong people. I hope you know this is whats best for us Tommy...

~*5 Days Later*~

I woke up to Tommy staring me down...or was he spaced out? Oh well who am I to judge?

"Morning Tom how are you feeling today?" I said like normal, but I knew tomorrow deep inside was the day he would love me for life or hate me for a long time to come.

"Morning i'm doing fine. You?" He said snapping out of his daydream. He looked tense and worried.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Are you sure you are though? Is there something on you'r mind?" I said. Not thinking at all. I just said it. I could tell he did not think I would say that he look shocked for a bit and then finally said the worst words I feel like possible in this situation.

"Yeah actually I do. It's about you Wil." He started. 

Oh no. 

No! No! No! 

What could I have done?

As i'm going through everything I could have done wrong he continues, "You have been pacing...and have been looking deep in tough. Are you okay?" That was the worst thing that could have happen that day.

He found out. It was only a matter of time. It was only a matter of seconds before it all came out and the deal was not between me and him.

No soon Tom would know. Then Tubbo would know and then anyone in 'Manburg that speaks to him might hear it. I was doomed. I failed him. I fail Dream

732 words, edited

(I'm not trying hard to edit these so their still is going to be a lot of mistakes!)

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