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Dream POV

"Uh, so whats happening in the outside world?" Tommy said breaking the silence. 'Its going poorly and your friend is slowly falling apart.' That would be the truth. However, i'll just lie like normal.

"Oh its going great! Everything is peaceful!" I respond joy being the only thing I let sneak into my voice. Only problem is I've said this time after time. It has to be getting old. Only problem is I only have so many ticks up my sleeve. One being tell a half and half fact. Half of it was true. Half of it was a lie.

"Say I believe Ghostbur is coming back from visiting Phil tomorrow!" I say changing the subject as soon as possible. As to avoid any and all questions.

"That's great! Well that's all I have." Tommy said taking a pause in between sentences. "Anything you want to add?" Okay. Here's my chance. I only get one shot. I need to do it right...

"Tommy were friends right?" I start it off with a question. A sweet, yet short one. As he nods his head yes, I can feel the pressure rise. "So you can keep a secret for me?" I say acting like im nervous. Well not 'acting'. More like I am nervous. Again he nods his head yes.

He seemed confused. Which was good. "Well I need help. However Ghostbur can't keep secrets and Sapnap and George can't help anymore than they are. So I need someone to be my right-hand man. Someone who I can tell things to and rely on to help me out." I was looking down trying to sound despite.

Oh my XD who am I fooling? I am despite and Tommy is the only one I can seem to manipulate. Almost every time without fail. He was my only shot at getting a loyal follower. Or as a worded it my right-hand man. I am letting false hope sink in. Even XD can't fully get people to commit to things like this. Which means the odds are low. Seeming hes a god and im a mortal. I mortal with powers. That is irreverent because the only thing that matters is my lying and grip I have on him.

Right now the odds are dancing on the line when I call it a fifty-fifty. I can tell he is thinking about it. I look up a bit. He looks consecrated on  thought. I wonder what he is thinking...

Tommy POV

How do I put it in words? I mean this is me having to say 'Hey Tubbo you know the nation we have been apart of through a exile and hard times? Yeah screw that im with Dream. Our once enemy I swore to never side with Dream'. Yeah that would never work. On the more logical side that is one way to get a nation to turn on you!

I wan't to help Dream I do. The only problem is nobody would accept my dissension. Nor would they understand my reasoning behind it. I let out an audible sigh. Dream looks up at this. I can tell by the grip on his mask, the nervousness in his eyes. He is unsure of what I will say next.

"Dream I would love to be your right-hand man. However, what would I get from this? How would we tell people?" I ramble. My nerves chewing me up. Why was I nervous?

"Well you would be protected by me, Wilbur, Techno, and anyone on my side. As for how people find out? Fake your death and go by 'Nightmare' or any undercover name!" Dream beams. Its almost as if he has been waiting do this moment since we met...

It sound like he has been planing not that this is something new that just came up. Oh well. I just shrug it off. Im probably just over thinking it.

"Okay then! I accept your offer! Also 'Nightmare' is a wonderful name." I say grinning a big toothy smile.

As i say that he reaches towards a bag and hands it to me. "Here you go! I have some clothes for you!" Again he seems over happy over prepared.

Every part of me said, 'Run!' or 'Its staged. He's just toying with you!'. Yet i just shake my head and forget about them. As I could care less about what my body had to say.

Right now I trust my friend a lot more than what ever my body said.


As I step back to look at my outfit. It oddly looks like Dreams. Just s few change ups. It was a black shirt and blue jeans. A red zip-up hoodie that was opened. Hood pulled up. A belt with a sword holder.

To top it off tactical boots, a black chest peace, some raps around my knee, armor, and lastly a mask. The mask resembled Dreams yet was uniqe. It had the same white base. It had the same strap to hold it just right on my face. However, mine was painted in a sad face instead of a happy one. Maybe because dreams are happy and nightmares are scary and sad? Who knows.

All thoughts a side I love the outfit! It might need to be gotten use to with all the straps and stuff, but i could manage. I step out side to Dream and Ghostbur...

GHOSTBUR! He's back! I am very happy to see him. However, with this mask my face is unreadable. I know because of Dreams always unreadable face with his mask.

"Hey Nightmare! Done getting Tommy's stuff out?" He said stern but light hearted. Somewhat...

"Oh y-yes Dream! Who is this ghost?" I say. Playing as this 'Nightmare' person meant I don't know him.

"Oh he's not a ghost just acting like one!" Dream says. Not a ghost?! How? That looks like Ghostbur!

"Oh is this person that trust worthy?" The imposter states. He sounds like Ghostbur at first. Then thats when I hear it fade into a different voice. While I know who this new voice belonged to. I wish i didn't

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