{ 1 } lets be friends!

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2nd person POV

Y/N and her friend Komi were walking to their class, the last one of their long and tiring day. Komi was a close friend to you, you girls knew each other for more then 5 years!

Your friend had Beautiful navy blue hair with pretty green eyes but, she was a prettier person in the inside. Sticking by your side at the most toughest times.

Y/N and Komi were a few steps away from their class room when they get approached by a group of older guys, it was pretty un expected, the hallway was empty just a minute ago though that's how it felt, the group looked a little sketchy but you didn't really think too much of it, Y/N tried ignoring the group and going her own way

When one of the taller guys in the group walks towards your friend Komi hovering over her a bit, you knew that she was feeling very uncomfortable by the obvious sweat drops forming on the side of her her temple but, knowing her she stays calm and looks straight up at the tall dude in front of her, fixating her gaze.

" hey Komi . . . . go out with me" the guy says out of no where looking at Komi with eyes filled will lust, and a very creepy smirk forming on to his lips making you disgusted. " I'm sorry but, I'm not really interested" she says as  sincerely and respectfully as she could, as we tried to leave the group of boys the tall guy holds komi's wrist tightly not letting her leave. This made Y/N pissed by what the ugly punk was doing, she walks over to the guy. " keep your filthy hands away from komi" Y/N says pulling Komi away from the his tight grip.

" you wanna die? Who do you think you are little shit!" the guy says rolling up his sleeves making a tight fist in the air, you and your friend look around to see if there was a way out of this but, it was too late all the guys around the leader formed a circle around you two. Cornering you.


What should I do? I'm scared, I don't know how to fight! " this will be fun" a small guy says behind the big one giving me a wide smirk sending chills down my spine. There's no one in the hallway, no one would hear us nor help us.

I just close my eyes ready to take the impact as I try to protect my friend behind me. I waited for a bit but nothing happened. What's going on?? " it's okay Y/N, open your eyes" I heard my friend say behind me in a calm voice.

I do as she says and I see all six guys that were around us on The floor all knocked out and the guy who asked Komi out was getting punched by a nerd.

There were two boys right in front of us. One of them was still beating the shit out of the tall dude and the other was in front of me and Komi. " are you two okay?" The blonde one said waiting for an answer. " yes . . . . thank you" I say bowing down to show my respects to the two boys.

" no need to bow" the blond one said with a warming smile on his face, he had pretty blueish, green eyes with a nice choppy undercut, his natural black hair shaved at the bottom.

The nerd that was beating that ugly guy up walked towards us dropping the dudes collar, as his head hit the tiled floor. Oww! that's gotta hurt. 

I don't know how the nerd and that blonde guy can beat up this many people, I mean they look younger then the guys who were around us. The nerd neared to the blonde boy guessing he was his friend, he had black hair tied in a tight ponytail, with big glasses and pretty golden, brown eyes.

" is there anything I can do for you two, so I can pay you back for what you did" I say as I look at the two boys, the blond one smiled at me warmly, coming closer to me. " there's no nee-"the blond one tried to finish his sentence but the nerd interrupted him.

" yeah, get me some payoung yakisoba" he says as he smiled showing off his sharp canine, i giggle a little at his response. " sure thing" I said still smiling at the childishness.

" who are you guys anyway?" Komi added raising her index finger to her chin." Tokyo manji gangs captain number 1 keisuke baji" the nerd said smiling big, letting go of his pony tail and removing his glasses, he went from level 1 to level 100 hundred real quick.

" and I'm Matsuno Chifuyu the vice captain with baji san" they both say shocking me and Komi. " that's so cool!" I said excitedly. " I guess" Chifuyu added scratching the back of his neck.

" the yakisoba?" Baji says once agian reminding me. " oh yes, let's go get some haha" I gave them a smile leaving the hallway with the two boys.

2nd person POV

Komi doesn't go and attends class telling your teacher that you had to go home since you felt sick.

Mean while you were getting the two boys yakisoba. " thanks Y/N - san, really didn't have to" Chifuyu said taking a bite of his Stir-fry noddles. " no problem, this was just paying you guys back" you say giving the two my signature smile. " wanna be friends?" You add giving the boys your hand.

Just waiting for any of them to shake it and The blonde one raises his hand grabbing on to yours. " sure" he says as you look at baji just eating.

You then tilted your head up looking at the pretty afternoon sky, such pretty colours mixed up together, dark shades of orange and light shades of pink, as the sun made everything glittery, such an lovely afternoon you thought giving yourself a smile.

"what are they doing here?"
Baji said randomly looking behind him as he gave off an annoyed expression. Sounds like two motorbikes coming your way.

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