{ 16 } the truth

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" my ass" he replied laughing as I punch him in the nose for the third time this time breaking it.

" just tell us!!" I scream at him as I see blood drip down his mouth to the floor.

He doesn't say anything instead he kept  a smirk on his face making me even more frustrated. Mikey then steps up asking him for me. " who was behind this?" He said in no emotion what so ever. " he he" he giggled, I blink and see hanma on the floor as blood dripped from is mouth.

Sanzu and mucho just watched with their eyes widened. " what if I give you a little clue?" He says getting my hopes up a tiny bit. " what?" Mikey said not wasting any time. " I'll say that it's a girl who is distancing herself from Y/N" he says making me so confused.

" don't bother asking me for details, that's all I'm telling you" he said looking up at mikey and me as we think of someone. But, nothing's coming to mind there's so many girls in our school, how could I possibly know which one.



I lay in my hospital bed as I look at the random shows that were playing on the tv, but my mind is not even fallowing anything that happened in the show all I'm thinking about is Komi, I know I said this before that it can't be her but I can't just ignore the fact that she has a cousin that is actually in a gang.

But, what if it was a coincidence? A lot of people are in gangs nowadays.

She, she was the only person that sticked by my side for so many years. She helped me through out primary school and some of high school. She's the most loving and caring person I've ever met, I'd hate to know that she was the one that attempt to kill her own best friend.

And why would she? There is literally no reason for her to hurt me like this. What did I do to her anyway? Nothing.

I snapped back to reality when I hear my door slid open. " IT WAS KOMI!!" The first thing I hear from mikey and Chifuyu's mouth as they said that in a sync.

I-I couldn't progress what they said. " Komi ordered hanma to kill you!" Chifuyu said quickly. " I know for a fact that she's the one who started distancing away from you, she I think was jealous of me being with you" he explains making my eyes watery

I knew that, that was the truth but I kept keeping it out of my mind I didn't want to believe it. I was now crying at the sad truth about my so called friend. " I don't believe it too Y/N but I know it's her, whenever you hang out with me, she always stayed in a bad mood but when you left she became happy and kinda touchy always putting her arm around me or holding me" he detailedly says as mikey elbows his arm to make him see that I was crying.

" I-" he says as he softened his face he looks at my red eyes, as he hugged me. " s-so I-it . . . . was just from j-jealously" I shakily said crying louder on his shoulder.

Did she really try killing me because she was jealous of me being with Chifuyu??!!!

" I'll definitely put her in jail for what she did, all we need is the evidence" Mikey said as I snap my head at him. " no mikey, you can't. I still love her as the friend I used to know". " she literally ordered her cousin to get rid of you Y/N" mikey added making me cry again in pain filled tears.

" I'm not going to just sit silently without giving you justice Y/N" Chifuyu later added. " I'll give you time to settle this news in, I know this is really painful for you. Your most trusted and beloved friend doing something as horrific as this" Chifuyu said as he lift my chin up to kiss my for head, as he wipes my tears away with his thumb

" no matter what Y/N you'll always have me and toman by your side. Don't feel alone" Chifuyu says softly making me a little calm. But I feel little spears digging through my heart as I think of Komi and her soft smile she always used to give me.

I don't Know what to do, i hate what she did but I also still love her.

Mikey left me and Chifuyu alone so he could calm me down. I shake in his arms still crying I tiny bit. " I'm sorry" Chifuyu  said softly. " f-for what" I Stutter. " for telling you this, I know this is a lot to take in" he tightened his hug making me warmer.

" I-it's not you fault" I calmed down A Tiny bit while I talk to him. " I really want you to get justice, I don't want that girl getting away with what she did to you, so for that I'll really need your help" Chifuyu adds. " I-I will try"I respond as the blond smiles a little stopping those little spears from digging deeper into my heart.

Thank you Chifuyu, you always seem to make me feel warm and lively inside again.

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