{ 17 } the plan

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( warning ⚠️ very passionate kissing coming ahead, also maybe cheesy idk 😂)

Once I got discharged from hospital I went and stayed at Chifuyu's house, he wanted me to be safe and with him so he just adopted me for some days.

We even started making a plan, on how I could you know get Komi arrested. I hated making this plan, I tried so hard keeping my tears in as I thought of her going to jail and that I was the one to do so, but then I think. SHE LITERALLY TRIED KILLING ME!!

And we really needed this prove so we continued to make our little plan even mikey and Draken helped well, mostly Draken since mikey was too busy sleeping the whole way though the planning.

" you got it Y/N?" Draken asked as I nod my head. " yeah" I responded. " well, this is the plan for tomorrow then, it should be successful if you do it properly without getting caught" He gets up holding mikey as he dragged the sleeping baby out of Chifuyu's house. " cya" I hear Draken say. " bye and thank you" I respond as he left the house with a smile.

" don't feel nervous at all tomorrow, you'll be fine" Chifuyu says holding my shoulder as he quizzes it a little, how does this man know? That I'm nervous about this whole thing?! " I won't" i say scratching my neck still not to sure.

He smiles kissing my cheek. " I also know when your lying" he says sending heat to my cheeks. " look at you turn red" he giggled as I pouted. " don't look at me like that, I won't be able to resist" he said wait, what did he say?!

" what?, Resist?" I question as I look at the older as he smirked. He then moved himself closer to me kissing my gentle lips. It's been awhile since we've kissed but it was getting I little more stronger and passionate when he slides his tongue into my, yeah know.

He's never done that before! Which makes me shocked. I look at Chifuyu and his eyes are closed while mine were completely open in shock, this is the first time we're actually making out!!

I tried to cooperate with his movements finally catching up, is it just me or I'm sweating like crazy also I'm really red. " ah.......hah....ha" I hear little Moans escape my mouth making Chifuyu blush "Damn, that was cute" he said out of no were breaking our kiss.

He goes back in tasting me a bit more, licking and kissing me. This kinda feels nice. I guess this is an excuse to keep my nervousness away for tomorrow.

He goes lower and lower to my neck licking and kissing it as he gives me small hickeys on a sensitive spot. " mm..mhm" I moan I little more feeling and letting the pleasure seep in.

This goes for another 5 minutes as he then stops. " sorry I couldn't hold it anymore your too freakin cute when you pout" he answers as I laugh a little. " haha" I was still giggling. " okay, okay shut up now" he annoyedly said turning to face his bedroom window. I hug him from behind, he let me hug him as we watch the sun go lower and lower. We finally see stars pop out of the dark blue sky and the moon showed off its silver light, Such I pretty night.

I'm still scared for tomorrow though knowing that what I'm about to do is
Going to expose my best friend, and if it is true she'll get arrested. Damn, jealously can really ruin people and so many relationships. I thought we would be friends forever....

Tomorrow morning....

I woke up to Chifuyu's arm around my waist as I hear the birds chirping outside. The light seep though some of the gaps in the curtains. I tried to wiggle out of Chifuyu's grip as he tightens it even more. I don't want to leave but we're going to be late for school.

Also the I remembered the plan.

" wake up Chifuyu san" I say as I touch his soft blonde hair and tuck it behind his hear. "Morrrre sleepp" he wined in his sexy morning voice digging his face into my waist as I feel his warm arms tug on me tighter

Adorable 🥰 he's so cute, he wines just like a little kid.

" come on, wake up" I say softly as I move my lips closer to his hear, I move some hair off of his covered face and kiss his cheek. " I'm up" He quickly said sitting up, making me laugh at his actions. " hahah" I continue. " nothing can wake me up, except your loving kisses" he flattered me making me look like my favourite fruit

cute ☺️ I love him.

" right!" He quickly shot out out of bed as I put on a confused face. " better hurry, school!" He finally realises.
I giggle as I also get up and make our bentos 🍱 for school and also a small but healthy breakfast.

We get ready and leave for school.

We arrived at school quickly getting ready for our first period. " don't be nervous while doing the plan"
Chifuyu reminded me. " I'll try" I smile before running to my English class.

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