{ 10 } i like you

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( this chapter will be long so grab your food/drinks and sit tightly for this one, hope you like it 🙂)

The fight was coming up soon and I'm getting a bit nervous for this one, there are a lot of strong people in the gang so I need to train a lot harder to at least give them one blow.

I went back to the place I used to train in and I spent my two weeks training there. I really regret it though, I mean I learnt so many new things while training and I mastered them too but

Chifuyu was going through a hard time because of baji leaving, everything felt so different without the black haired boy.

This was the time that I had to stay with him, even though we went to school together i didn't have the time to even talk since I always had to go training early. but today imma go meet my friend.

Give him some company.

I reach his apartment and knock on his door, no response. Weird the door is open as well.

I push the door and tippy toed around the house to see if he was there. No other choice I have to go and check the bedroom, maybe he was there.

I carefully open the door and lo behold he was in his bed sleeping, in the afternoon? He's such a weirdo I giggled a little.

Seeing him after a long time is weird his hair has grown a bit, I looked at his resting face while he was sleeping. So calm and so relaxed.

He looks so freakin adorable I can't.
What the heck I'm feeling that weird fussy feeling again, that warm feeling. 

My cheeks were getting hotter as I look at the blonds sleepy face.

Do I like him? Do I really like him? I don't know what to think anymore and I can't really hide it from myself anymore. I know, i know that I've started to like Chifuyu san.

I mean who wouldn't love such a sweet guy like him?

My body then moved on it's own I wasn't in control, I move closer and closer. Our faces were inches apart. I can't resist, I really want Chifuyu san.

I moved closer as I felt his lips brush against Mine, I cant believe that I'm actually doing this right now!

The brushing turns into a light kiss as I move a inch closer. His lips were so soft so angelic, so warming I wanted to kiss him forever but I had to stop, even though these were just a few seconds it felt like Everything was going in slow motion.

I stop when I see him move a bit, hopefully he was actually asleep. It would be so embarrassing if he woke up to his best friend kissing him.

I shake the blonds shoulder lightly to wake him up, I wanted to spend some time talking to him. It had been awhile, also need to tell him to lock his door next time 😂

Don't want another weirdo like me coming inside of his house and kissing him randomly.

I giggled at the thought, I then look at him as he rubbed his sleepy eyes awake. " what are you doing here?" Chifuyu questions as he sits up. " well, I came to meet my best friend" I say as a give him a warming smile.

" oh, I thought you forgot about me" he smirks. " I didn't. how could I forget you, I lov- I quickly stop as I progress what I was going to say.

" you what?" He says still half asleep. Great he didn't hear! I happily say in my head " nothing, I just missed you so I came to visit" I say as I go through his hair.

" your bed hair is funny" I laugh a bit as he pouted at my comment. " your bed hair probably isn't any better" he said this time making me pout.

" can I do something real quick" you say as you hop on his bed and get behind him. " sure" he says, I grab a spare hair tie that I always carry on my wrist for emergencies and Started fiddling around with his hair.

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