{ 18 } jail Time

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( we're nearly at the end of my story 😭 there will be one more chapter, I'll try making it as long is a can. It was so much fun writing this story, sorry if it was too short. Love you guys 🥰)

As I walk into my class I see all my classmates sitting in their chairs as they waited for our teacher.

Good, I'm not late. My eyes travel around the classroom as I see my friend Komi look away when I see her.

She makes a disgusted look as I sit next to her. " hey" I say softly as she ignores me completely, turning to face the widow as she rested her head on her left palm.

This was enough evidence for me.

The teacher comes in as she then begins with her daily routine, as I am lost in the thought of not spilling my tears all over my desk. I feel this shitty as feeling in my stomach after what Komi just did, This is way too painful.

I control myself as I try paying attention in class, listening and trying to understand what miss was explaining but I just can't, I Try keeping myself occupied as I think of the plan Draken, Chifuyu and me spent the whole week on but,

I seem to always picture all the memories Komi and me made together then all that going down the Fricking drain because of that accident.

And it was Just after my boyfriend. She destroyed our 5 year old friendship.

The class felt so long, like it was going on forever and ever, even though class is an hour long, it felt like a year of excruciating pain.

" mrs L/N" my teacher snaps me back to Reality as I hear my last name being. called " y-yes mrs?" I question my teacher. " do you remember what we are doing?" She asked as I look at my un opened novel.

Shit, where are we up to? " chapter 15" She said reading my mind, I quickly flip to that page. " your never like this Y/N are you feeling okay?" My teacher added with concern as I pay my full attention. " I-I'm fine, thank you miss" I respectfully say as I stand up to read the chapter.

I finish the chapter as everyone starts leaving for their break. I pack up my books from my desk as I see Komi leave, I quickly run to her and stand in front of her not letting her leave. " move please" she added not giving me any eye contact.

" why? Why didn't you come see me at hospital?" I ask as I begin my plan, I held my books tighter in my hands as I grip my phone from the front of my books as It starts loosening because of me waiting for her answer.

" I had A business to attend with family" she replied still not looking into my eyes. " with that cousin of yours, ha?" I add has she quickly shot a wide eyed look at me.

" I-I don't know what your taking about?" She snapped. " you don't?! Well I know everything Komi!!" I shout as her eyes fill with rage.

" what are you saying!" She added. " stop acting so dumb Komi!! You know" I step crosser to my friend as she gets angrier. " I didn't tell hanma to do anything with you!" She said accidentally revealing all the evidence that I needed.

" haha, got you!!" I Pointed at her as she closes her mouth with her palm knowing she just exposed herself. " how could you!" My tone got louder as he eyes fill with more hatred.

" I DID, AND SO WHAT IF I DID!!" She hovers over me completely loosing her cool. " I TRIED TO KILL YOU, BECAUSE CHIFUYU IS SUPPOSED BE MINE, I KNEW HIM WAY BEFORE YOU DID!!" She got louder and louder scaring me. I step back as she took steps forward.

" you don't have any evidence anyway" she cools down a bit smirking down at me as she looked at how hopeless I was. Oh but she was so wrong. I had so much evidence that it would be a piece of cake for her to quickly end up in jail.

I rush into tears as I hold my face with both of my hands letting go of all the stuff in my hands except my phone I don't want to break it.

" that's what i thought" she laughed exiting the classroom I quickly wipe away me fake tears and take out my phone and stop the video recording.

She didn't realise a thing! Before she told me the agonising truth I put my phone on video and put it in front of all the books I was ' packing'

All of our conversation has been recorded and also the confession.

I'll show this to the police and get her and her cousin arrested. So Chifuyu sadly was right after all..

I didn't see her again today after that talk we had in our classroom. I went straight to Chifuyu and showed him the video. He was shocked and proud of me, that I provoked her and kicked the truth right out of her.

" so she liked me, ha?" Chifuyu says taking a bite of his rice ball 🍙 I made this morning for our bentos.

" yeah" I say almost in a whisper with no emotion what so ever. Chifuyu doesn't say anything and just finished his rice ball. " it was probably hard for you to witness that" he said feeling pity   for me as he looks deep into my depressed eyes.

I nodded not having enough energy to even speak, he just gives me a loving hug and kissed my forehead. " I have to go, class is starting soon. Love you" he runs off somehow putting a small smile on my face.

After school Draken, mikey, Chifuyu and me all meet up next to the police station to filed a report.

" that's excellent! Having this kind of evidence on your phone" the police officer looks amazed as he watches the whole video. He saw that it was not fake at all and that it was made 5 hours ago at the end of our first period.

It was very believable also because it's 100 % real!!

He shows more of his senior coworkers as they all shot serious looks at us. " this is enough evidence for us to detect that she and her cousin are criminals" the senior police officer says fixing his badges that were on his blue shirt.

Time to next day....

They both got arrested,  I saw them two  wearing handcuffs as they both give me cold and deadly stares. " how!! How did they find out!!!" She shouted at me. " I had evidence" I reply as I start to walk away not listening to what she had to say next.

I couldn't bear to look at komi anymore, my tears were filled with pain as I softly cry into my sleeves still walking away from the two.  

I thought we were going to be best friends forever Komi.........

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