{ 6 } mobius

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We walked around a bit more when I felt something wet on my cheek I look up and see the grey sky, small water droplets started to fall on the dry ground.

" oh no it gonna rain" I say as I try to cover myself with my kimono's sleeve.

" let's go next to those trees" Chifuyu pointed at the dark, tall, thiccc trees. " sure" I say as chifuyu and me run there together.

Surprisingly it was keeping us dry as the rain started falling down a bit heavier.

Chifuyu's POV

I tried to sit down but i accidentally slipped on wet mud and fell on Y/N our lips were inches apart, I stare at her perfect, glittery eyes. if I hadn't used my arm to balance my weight I would've definitely kissed Y/N.

" sorry, you okay?" I say as I hold her hand and pull her up. " I'm okay Chifuyu san" she says with her eyes closed smiling at me as I melt at the cute scene.

She's just so cute When ever I'm with her I start feeling this fluffy, warm feeling i don't hate it to be honest I like it. I think I have feelings for Y/N I mean who wouldn't?

I smiled back at her, warmly. I then try to sit again when I hear a small buzz in my pocket, someone's calling me.

I take my phone out and see that it's baji san. Weird, baji san never calls me only when there's a fight or if somethings wrong.

" is everything okay baji san" I say as I put the phone to my hear. " there's a fight happening with mobius right now, the fights going to be on the right  side of the festival that you were going to, mitsuya said to get there quickly" baji san explains deeply and cuts the phone right after.

" is everything okay Chifuyu san?" Y/N looks at me with worried eyes. " there's a fight happening here soon, I have to get there quickly. You should wait here for me" I explain as I try to leave but she holds my wrist not letting me move.

" what are you doing Y/N? I have to go there quickly" I say as I question the younger one.

" can I also help?" she says making my eyes widen. " I said this before and I'm saying it again, you can't get involved in this kind of stuff" I reply as I let go of her grip.

" I'm not that weak you know!" She shouts annoyed and pissed off. " please, just stay here. I know your not weak, your stronger then me. But what if an even stronger guy comes up to you and hurts you" I explain getting worried of that thought.

" well, I won't be alone I have mikey, Draken, mitsuya, baji, and you to take care of me" she counted her fingers as she explains all the people.

" I really like to fight and protect people I love, I really want to be in your gang so that I could protect you and get stronger" she added as I slap my for head at my loss.

" fine! Jeez" I say as she jumped in excitement, my frown slowly turns into a smile after I see her happy face as she starts walking ahead of me.

I follow her and got to the place baji san had explained.


Wow that's a lot of people!! I say in my thoughts as I look at the concerning amount of people fighting. " haven't had a fight like this in awhile" Chifuyu smirked as he looks at the big crowd.

He cracked his fingers and then joins the fight, punching anyone that came our way. I also started punching and kicking people away from me. the rain started pouring down louder and harder as I look to my right and see someone laying on the wet ground in their own blood

They looked familiar it was DRAKEN KUN!!! I quickly rushed there to help him.
" Draken kun!" I say terrified As I kneel beside the stab wound.

" Draken kun!!" Takamichi says coming out of no were. " call the ambulance!!" I shout as takamichi said he didn't have his phone on him, shit I don't have it either.

Takamichi then tried to pick up the injured man on his back, Draken was 3 times taller and heavier then takamichi but the boy still managed to pick him up.

" I'll go with you to the hospital!" I say as he tried to walk. Draken was just too heavy.

We managed to come out of the fighing and chaotic crowd and we go in a street which was the fastest way to go to the closest hospital.

" DRAKEN!!!" I look back at the girl who screamed that. I see Emma and Hina running our way. " Emma?!" I shout as they come closer.

" we've called the ambulance and they'll be here soon, just wait here" Emma explains trying  to catch a breath.

Takamichi put Draken kun down as he took some breaths himself.

" oh no" takamichi said out of no were, I look to were he was looking and see a group of guys coming our way.

Great their in our gang!! But why did takamichi say ' 0h no' then?

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