{ 14 } hospital

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I had fainted....

Why did he do that? What was it about his cousin?

I feel someone's warm touch in my left hand, I slowly open my eyes to see Chifuyu holding it as he cried in his other arm.

I was in the hospital.

" Y/N!" Mikey shouted as he noticed I was conscious, I then see Chifuyu quickly look at me. " Y/N!!" Chifuyu also says as he hugs me. " ow!!" I yell as my boyfriend quickly backs away. " sorry I didn't mean to hurt your head"

Chifuyu says with a worried and apologetic look. " no need, not your fault" I say as I give him a welcoming smile.

As he returns it. " that bitch hanma, I'll kill him" Chifuyu then turns angry filling his gentle eyes in anger and hatred.

" that was very un expected too" I look Behind me to see who said that, it was Draken kun. All of the captains were here as well.

" I don't understand, why would hanma only aim for you? I mean Chifuyu was there too and takamichi" mitsuya scratched his head.

" we should let Y/N rest, she has a serious injury" mikey suggested as he gave me a doyadaki to eat.

" thank you mikey" I say as I take it from his gentle hands, he just smiled. mikey's head was also bandaged like mine.

That banana guy really went far, hitting and taking my best friend away from me. I feel my eyes getting blurry as little droplets of salty water run down my cheeks I remembered what happened earlier.

Baji san..

" why ya crying?" Mikey said as he came closer. " baji" I say trying to keep some tears in as I softly say his name.

They all fall silent as Chifuyu also starts crying softly in his arm. " b-baji san" he Stuttered as I see some water droplets falling to the ground.

Mitsuya came to help Chifuyu as he pat his back, calming him.

He stops crying and looks up, his eyes were pretty red and kinda swollen, how long did he cry for?

" how long have I fainted for?" You question Chifuyu. " 4 hours" he said as I look a little shocked. " how long have you guys been here?" I say looking at all of them in my hospital room. " 4 hours" Draken added.

" please guys, there is no reason for you to wait here any longer, go home" I said as I look at the almost dark sky outside my window.

" I'll stay with you" Chifuyu said making my cheeks a little red. He's so nice 😊

" sure, cya Y/N and if there's a problem call me straight away" Mikey says leaving with all of the captains, I look up to see Chifuyu as he holds my face pulling it up to face his.

He moved closer kissing my forehead. " don't scare me like that Y/N, I don't want to loose another person, I love" he said making my heart melt and also sad.

" I'm not going to leave you just yet Chifuyu san" i say with the warmest smile I've ever given him. " I love you" he said out of no were hugging me tightly, I of course hug him back.

Oh shit! I remember something, Chifuyu doesn't have anywhere to sleep!!

The nurses took away the couches for some deep cleaning and now Chifuyu doesn't have anywhere to sleep.

" where will you sleep tonight?" I question as he looks around the hospital room. " I guess on the floor" he looks at the hard, white marble floor. " no, you can't sleep on the hard, cold floor" I say looking at the tall one.

" what should I do then?" He asked, we both look at each other when I come up with an idea. " you can sleep with me" I mumbled blushing a Tincy bit. " what?" He says moving his ear closer to me.

" you could sleep with me" I say a bit louder as I blush harder.

" i-I.......ummm...aaa" he's having a hard time speaking, and I'm having a hard time calming my blushing face down. It's just that we've never slept together, and I know what you dirty minded people 😈 are thinking but. no.

Just sleeping 😴

" s-sure" he said finally not looking at me. AAAAHHH I CANT BELIEVE WE WILL BE IN THE SAME BED!!!

" you want anything to eat?" He quickly changed the topic when he saw me slowly turn into a tomato. " sure!" I say happily, I felt so hungry.

" what ya want?" The blond one asked. " maybe some ramen and for dessert a little dango 🍡" you order to the man.
" well, cya then" he smiles walking out of the room.

But now I really got to think, why did hanma attack me and only me? the biggest question that I have swirling around in my mind is that, why is his cousin related to any of our gang stuff??

Unless they are in some gang too but, why only notice me? Am I a big treat to them? How am I if we've never talked?


I said quietly rubbing my temples when I hear someone come in.

Chifuyu came in with the food!!

" yay!" I quickly jump up to see my dinner. " calm down" he said laughing at my actions. " you don't even know Chifuyu san, food is my best friend!" You say making him smile and your childlessness. " well, here you go then" he hands me the ramen and then the dango once I was done eating my yummy ramen 🍜

" thank you Chifuyu san!" I hug the boy from the back surprising him. " okay, okay I think you should rest a bit now" he pats my head. Shit i remembered I was sleeping with Chifuyu tonight.

I then see him remove his T-shirt revealing his abs, holy shit can this guy get any hotter!! damn my mans is fit! 

Okay Y/N your staring at him too much, stop it, it's creepy.

" your red" he said smirking. " i-i have a fever" I make up an excuse. " yeah, yeah, totally" he said not buying it as he walks to me bed.

" time to sleep!" He said laying down next to me. The bed wasn't so small but not a double bed earthier. He hugged me so that I wouldn't fall and I dig my face into his neck, he smelt of vanilla. He was so calm, warm and relaxing I couldn't feel that tingling sensation in my head anymore.

The one I was feeling from the attack.

I hug him tightly as i slower my breathing to match his, I move my ear closer to his chest hearing the soft rhythm of his beating heart.

After some calm minutes I had fallen asleep on is chest.

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