{ 5 } Festival 

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3rd person POV

Y/N and Chifuyu decided to go to the festival this weekend since you two had nothing else to do.

You weren't alone, you were also going with Draken and Emma also takamichi and Hina ( hinata).

You girls were close to each other hanging out when you all had free time. You met the girls through takamichi cause he knows Chifuyu, can't believe that guy pulled hina.

" uhhhh, Y/N I don't have any kimono's to wear tonight" Emma wined as she looked through her cupboard throwing some cloths on her bed in frustration

" what If he doesn't like what I wear" Emma said imagining the scary scene in her mind. " If Draken really loves you, he would also like you In a trash bag as your kimono" you say giggling at the thought of her in a trash bag, hahah she would look so hilarious but I feel like she could pull it off, if she wears a belt or something with it, she can pull anything off I swear.

"Not really helping" the annoyed blonde girl looks at you as she rubbed her temples in frustration and annoyance, she looked back in her cupboard going even deeper when she pulled out an purple kimono.

" what about that, that would look nice on you" Y/N said Pointing at the kimono in her hands, she looks at it up and down and finally speaks up.

" well I'll try it i guess, haven't worn this in a bit" Emma says as she leaves to the bathroom to change. Y/N waited on her bed patiently as she came back in the room with the kimono on.


She looks so damn pretty. " ok, I'm not exaggerating but you look like a whole ass princess, you look so nice Emma definitely wear this" I say as a give her a thumps up. What did I say earlier, she can pull anything off!!

She blushed and thanked me. " ok, what are you gonna wear?"she asked. " I don't really know yet" I say thinking of some of the kimono's I have at home while putting my index finger on my chin as I imagine what I'd look good in.

" well you gotta decided soon since it's in a few hours" she said patting my head as she left the room

She's right I have to leave and figure out what to wear soon, I don't want Chifuyu to be embarrassed walking around with me in a ugly dress.

I say my byes to Emma and see mikey next to the door. " bummer, I don't get to go with you to the festival, lucky Chifuyu" he said making my cheeks glow red.

He then laughed letting me out of the door. " cya mikey kun" I wave and he waved back. " bye bestieee" he said childishly as I turned around to give him a smile.

Time skip to home...

" shit, what should I wearrrr" I say also now whining like Emma. " I should of thought of this before hand, I'll be late by the time I figure out what to wear! " I say going through all the kimono's that I owned.

Maybe this red one will be okay, it's better then wearing nothing I guess.

i took a peek at the time and I only had an hour left, "fine I'll wear this" I say to myself as I lay the kimono on my chest in front of my long mirror

I went into to the bathroom and put it on, it was fine, I did some light but pretty make up and put my hair in a nice bun. With a butterfly pin at the middle of the bun.

I looked pretty, pretty.

I then hear a knock on my door. " it's Chifuyu!" I say nervously but kinda excitedly as I run to the front door.

" hey!" I say as I look at the blond boy, as he was surprised at the sudden action." hey" he waved scratching the back of his neck.
" you look hot" he then progressed what he just said, as my face turns red.

" I . . . . I mean you look pretty. . . . . I-it slipped out of my mouth, sorry" he apologises stuttering as he does so, then also turning into a tomato with me.

" well, thank you Chifuyu san" I say as I Hug the older one.

" just speaking facts" he answers as we both walk to the bike and get on.

" let's goooo!!" I say hugging the blond ones waist and we head off.

This is how I imagine you guys on the bike since you were wearing a kimono Just minus the suitcase and imagine a hug 🤗

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This is how I imagine you guys on the bike since you were wearing a kimono
Just minus the suitcase and imagine a hug 🤗

We all met up at one spot in the festival and started walking around seeing all the stalls. Some had games, and others had yummy food.

After awhile we all split up. Chifuyu and me also left to go see some other stalls.

" awwwww" I say as I stop at a stand, I looked up to see a fluffy, pink bunny.
" you like it?" Chifuyu asked as he looks at my eyes still looking at the bunny.

" If you want it, ya gotta knock these three bottles in front of you, with only one pebble" the owner of the stall explains.

" you won't be able to do it little kid" the old guy added challenging Chifuyu.
" now I'll definitely knock them down" Chifuyu quickly adds looking at the old guy who was wearing an ugly smirk upon his face.

" 10 yen first round " the guy says putting his hand out to take the money and Chifuyu gives it to him.

Chifuyu then held the small pebble in his right hand and pulls it behind his ear, he then throws it with all of his force first mapping out where he wanted to throw it.

He not only knocked the three bottles down but he also breaks them all, then I glanced behind the stall to then see a small hole through it, Chifuyu had thrown the pebble that hard that it created a hole through the thick tent!!!

The old man looked at the blond boy in shock, he literally just did that with a small pebble!!

I look at him so proud blushing just a bit. " what did you say old man, impossible?" Chifuyu said smirking as the old man looks at us pissed off.

" you win, here your bunny" the guy said not making eye contact with any of us, we looked at each other and laughed as I took the fluffy bunny in my arms hugging it tightly.

" thank you Chifuyu san" I say as I went on my tippy toes to kiss Chifuyu on his cheek.

I look at the blonds face as he blushes harder then ever.

" n-no. . . . . . . P-problem" he struggled to speak as I giggled at his cuteness. " your so cute Chifuyu san" I say walking away as he tried to catch up.

( I love this chapter ❤️)

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