2 - Job Interview

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I was sitting in Fury's office, nervously rubbing my hands against my knees and wondering what to expect.
I was hoping to get hired but expected an execution.
Hopefully, it will be the former because being at war with the Avengers for killing their director would be rather inconvenient.

He kept me waiting for half an hour and when he finally entered, there was a tall, blonde woman accompanying him. She immediately pierced me with her unnaturally bright blue eyes and a sharp headache attacked me for a brief moment before it subsided but the uncomfortable pain still lingered on.

Did he seriously bring a psychic with him?

"Well," he said and sat down behind his large desk, tapping his fingers against its wood, "you have some explaining to do. I am listening."

The woman that he did not bother to introduce took place in the corner next to him and leaned against the wall, her arms crossed on her chest and that analyzing look pinned on me and me only.

"You have, um," I said, touching the right side of my neck, "something here."

He wiped the same spot on his neck, remains of blood from the girl I killed staining his fingers.

"Yeah, let's start with that," he said, taking a tissue from a box and cleaning his hand, "you killed her why exactly?"

"She tried to kill Stark," I stated simply, and when he raised his eyebrow I added, "Mr. Stark?"

"I don't care how you address him," he said impatiently, "what I can't comprehend is how you take it as a second nature to kill somebody."

"She was a killer, no? She won't be missed," I countered, "she was planning to kill the other Avengers too and---"

"That is not up to you to decide," he interrupted, "there is a system in place--"

"It was self-defense," I said in a hurry and he laughed, leaning back into his chair.

"Self-defense you say?" he chuckled and slowly shook his head.

"Yeah," I vehemently added with an eager nod, "it was not visible from your viewpoint but she had a knife pressed to my stomach, behind her back, right here," I stood up and rolled up my shirt, "it was pressing right here, I was so scared, I just---" I paused, quickly calling onto my tears that started well up in my eyes, "I just wanted to protect myself and my friend. I didn't know what to do," adding panicky sniffle, "and then, before I could react, she moved her neck like this," snapping my neck to the side, "and suddenly there was blood all over and I....I...."

I opened my palms and looked down at my hands, shaking in fear while the tears did their job and silently dripped on the carpet.
Collapsing back on the chair, I hid my face in my hands, quietly whispering on repeat, "blood...so much blood everywhere..."

He was silent for a moment and when he assumed I am done, he slid the tissue box to me with a sarcastic, "wow."

I blew my nose and still with trembling hands began to gently tap my tears away.

"That was quite a performance," he said with a smirk and I straightened up, giving him a cold look as if there were no tears before.

"And who do you think the court would believe?" I said imitating his smirk, relaxing into the chair, "you, an agent trained to kill or me, a young, innocent girl, lost in the world? No parents, living in shabby apartments, just trying to get by and getting manipulated by powerful people like you."

"You really are something," he drawled out, connecting the fingertips of his hands.

"I am not," I said simply, "but this is how the courts work. The jury is made of common folks, and it's enough to put out a good performance and poof-" I snapped my fingers, not dodging his intense gaze, "all the criminals run free."

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