19 - Wrath Points

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The headache was so intense it was blurring my vision but once I submerged my aching body in the bathtub, it started to slowly ebb away. I was there for a few hours, regularly adding more hot water and trying to properly grasp onto reality after spending endless days in a state I never wanted to repeat.

When I woke up among my chests, the same place where Loki left me, I couldn't make my way out. For the first time ever, no matter what I did, how hard I tried, I couldn't wake up. Petrified I'll never be able to leave. I spent the time replaying everything that happened, eventually figuring out it was Loki's presence in my mind that caused it. I remembered his worried and guilty face, silently admitting he knew it was his fault. And the only way he would know was if he did it before, the dots connecting with the other time I woke up in my bed, confused and with a headache and a bleeding nose. Fucking bastard. He knew and yet overstayed his non-existent invitation.

The second I registered a connection with the real world - when he dropped me on the cold tiles of the bathroom - I started to gather a shot of excruciating pain to give him a nice, well-deserved welcome. I was considering making it much worse but he was lucky to turn on his shield late, letting me also feel his worry and the excitement when he registered I might be about to wake up.

Worried about me or not, I had no regrets about giving him the blast that I did. He deserved every second of the pain for what he did to me. I smiled a little as his grunts reached the bathroom when he started to wake up. His body was still probably aching from it all and I smiled, finishing washing my hair and getting out of the bathtub. After I dried myself and wrapped the towel around me, I took a deep breath and walked to the main room to get my clothes.

"You have every right to be mad--"

He said right away, sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for me. I only grabbed my clothes and spun around, slamming the bathroom door behind me. I didn't hear anything else from him and when I was dressed and came out again, he was still sitting there.

The second I opened the door, he sharply inhaled, hurriedly justifying his actions. "You can't be mad at me, you would've done the same!"

I scoffed, admiring how quickly he went from 'you have a right to be mad' to 'you can't be mad'. Fucking snake. But he was right. I would have done the same.

"Dry my hair," I ordered and marched up to him before bending over and letting my wet hair drip on his knees.

"If I do it, will you stop being mad at me?"

"No," I stated, watching another drop land on his knee and soaking his pants. "But I'll take down a point for you."

"What's the scale?"


"And if I get to zero, you won't be mad anymore?"

"Yes." I couldn't care less about an apology, something I probably wouldn't get from him anyway, but if there were other benefits I could squeeze from the hell he put me through, I sure was ready to take them. "Lifelong hair-drying services."

"That's at least for five points."





"Two," I growled and he sighed in defeat, running his hands over the hair with the strange, magical heat that dried it in a mere second. What a wonderful thing. I flipped the hair back and when I saw his proud grin I shot him a cold glare. Needless to say, that grin got instantly washed off.

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