30 - Álfheimr Wine

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A/N: With the story finally moving to Asgard, there will be sometimes a need for some Norse mythology lore. I'm no expert on it, so whatever I might mention is just from my Google research, and - most of all - I'll be either amending it to fit the plot or just completely making things up. So please keep in mind it's fiction ♥ (But if you know any cool lore that could have a use in the story, please share it in the comments!)


Thor was happier to see me than I expected and his eyes brightened up even more when he saw all the bottles I was carrying. He was already quite under the influence but complained that nobody he drank with at the party lasted long enough. I plopped next to him on the sofa and threw my feet on the table, handing him one of the bottles to open it for me.

Once he gave it back, I took a swig from it, ignoring the glass he gave me. "Fuck, I needed that," I muttered and wiped my mouth, sliding lower on the sofa. Thor laughed with his typical boisterous laughter that always filled the whole room and sat down next to me with his Asgardian wine, drinking straight from the bottle too.

"Oh, I missed this," he let out as he placed his large feet next to mine on the table and made himself comfortable. "So what brings you here?"

There was no point in faking I was here to have a good time. By now, he knew I always came when I needed to get wasted to forget a bad day or on occasions when I sensed he was feeling down and needed company.

"It's your brother. He's pissing me off and I need some answers."

"Allfather and all the Gods," he sighed and shook his head. "You two should seriously learn how to communicate with each other."

"What do you mean?"

"He always comes to me only when he wants to know something about you. Now you're doing the same." He wasn't agitated but rather tired and I realized how nice it was to be again in a room with somebody who I could sense. Way more comfortable than the past hours with his enigmatic brother.

"I would be able to communicate perfectly fine if he wouldn't shield himself from me." I countered and when he gave me a questioning look, I explained that Loki managed to extend his shield to my powers, keeping me completely in the dark. "I'm constantly up for guessing what's going on and it's unnatural and unsettling and un-everything." I finished and took another generous swig from the bottle.

"Is it really that bad?" He asked and the faint wave of sympathy he felt toward me warmed me. At least he was on my side. Unlike somebody we both knew. "Doesn't it just make you...you know, equal?"


"Neither of you can lie to each other and you see him just as he sees you. Come to think of it, it's actually kinda cool."

Maybe he wasn't as on my side as I thought. "There's no fairness in it though!" I scoffed and got up, bringing myself a beer glass for the wine so I could drink more and faster. "You know, one thing is if I would never have my powers. Just a good 'ol human. But imagine if your whole life, ever since you were born, you're something, you perceive the world and people around you in a certain way and suddenly somebody takes it away from you."

"Mhmm," he hummed with a nod, momentarily drifting into his memory. "Yeah, I think I felt similar when my father cast me out to be on Midgard, stripping me of my powers. It was terrible. At least the first days."

"What changed after the first days?"

He looked at me with the widest of grins, his eyes glazed over by the alcohol but more so by the fluffy emotion that grew in his chest. "I met Jane."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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