Just to get things clear....

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1) I won't be specifying the skin tone of the main OC - she can be whatever you wish to imagine. The only thing I will specify is her black hair, but I hope that's okay as that can be for anyone, wherever you're from...either natural or with a hair dye.
Writing so far only Caucasian main OCs, it might slip somewhere with "rosy cheeks, etc." so please do call me out on it and I will amend it!

2) The story will contain strong language, rough smut, non-con (not from Loki's side, ofc, he's the King of Consent - and he will exercise it a lot in this fic), torture, and who knows what other stuff I'll come up with, so please do take it into consideration before you proceed reading.
I don't plan to make any of it too bad, so if you're fine with let's say Tarantino movies, you should be fine with this too. And for that one non-con scene, I'll put a trigger warning at the start of the chapter.

3) There will be discrepancies with the movies since I haven't seen them in ages. The one I have seen the most was Ragnarok, so it's set at that time, but with the difference that after Odin evaporated, Hella didn't appear and didn't destroy Thor's toy.
Since my main focus is on the actual psychological part of the relationship, there will be several months between Odin's "puff" and Hella's "hello".
Hence also no Sakaar :(

I didn't feel like the Loki TV show gave enough space to make his relationship with Sylvie believable, given they both had such deep-rooted trust issues. So this fic will be exploring the same territory, the main focus on the actual relationship, keeping the "action" plot toned down.

4) And last but not least - the big question when it comes to smut - to be or not to be - c*ck or d*ck ...... I have seen countless discussions in the comments in the other loki-smut fics that I've read, everyone fighting over which word is better.
In my opinion, it's neither, I prefer not to explicitly name, but given how smut-heavy this fic is going to be, I might have to end up using it at some point.
So I have decided to go with c*ck (will be fully spelled in the actual fic, dw) so if you are not a fan of that one, it is a warning ahead, you will just have to suck it up. (ha...)

5) already starting with a lie, the previous point was not last:

For Yuzuru fans - this fic will be COMPLETELY different from what you are used to from me, please do not bother reading if you are subscribed only for Yuzu, it will definitely not have the same fluffiness as my other fics have as it is solely for all the loveably-twisted Loki fans out there.

Who the hell is Yuzuru? - if you are asking that, you can simply ignore all the other fics on my profile as they would make no sense.
Or you can google Yuzuru Hanyu, the best figure skater who ever put on a pair of skates and fall into a fandom from which is no coming back.

I just wanted to put it out there to avoid any confusion for my current or future readers since I am combining both fandoms on my profile.

Anywhoo....I will shut up now and you enjoy the read!

I will shut up now and you enjoy the read!

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