11- Coffee Buddy

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The boredom was settling in like the dust on all the things in her room. Did she ever clean? Don't humans have servants for that? I already went through all of her things, finding absolutely nothing of interest. There was a sizeable wooden trunk that I could not get into, certain it is the one thing in here that contains anything of importance to her. All the rest were just insignificant items that would not tell me anything. The last thing left was her drawer of underwear, but I rather wanted to see those on her, wondering if she would ever let me again. So far she only used any advances on me for her own benefit, just as I was. She would need to gain something from it to be inclined to take things further. And I was enjoying this game more and more.

I lied down on her bed and cloaked myself, patiently waiting and contemplating how long it would take her to notice me, testing the strength of my enhanced shield against her powers. I closed my eyes and focused as hard as I could to stay bored and not feel anything too intensely. Several minutes later, there was a click of her door and I opened my eyes, watching Feer kicking the door shut.

She was agitated, making a few short paces by the sofa, and growled before going to the bathroom. I turned on my side, glad that she didn't bother to close the door, and watched as she bent over, preparing herself a bath. A moment later, the clothes were flying off of her body, tossed in all directions and I reluctantly shut my eyes close. Keeping my desire in check without any imagery, I looked again only once I heard she sank down into the tub, ready to make an official complaint to Fury that I have merely a shower corner.

Now I could see only half of her face, expression visibly relaxing when the warm water engulfed her, arms hanging from each side of the tub. I raised myself higher to see if her breasts would be visible in that position but soon leaned back in disappointment.
A loud groan echoed through the bathroom and I figured my momentary displeasure was stronger than I thought.

"My flat is not a hotel, asshole!"

I rolled my eyes, removing the cloaking charm, and walked over, leaning against the door frame.

"You offered me a tour for this morning," I said casually, letting my eyes drop to her body with another pang of disappointment when I saw all the interesting parts were covered in bubbles. "So I am here to collect."

"And I said I will pick you up, so fuck off."

"Somebody ruffled your feathers this morning, dove?" I pushed myself off the frame and came over, sitting at the edge of the tub, "care to share?"


"Hmm," I collected a handful of bubbles and blew on it, watching them fall down in several fluffy flakes, "no need to take your wrath on an innocent observer, dear."

She rolled her eyes and sank lower, muttering under her breath, "you are anything but innocent."

"You never complained."

She opened her pretty mouth to retort but closed it again and instead shot me a cute glare that I assumed was supposed to be terrifying. I was just about to mention it when she sank all the way underneath the water, her hands and head disappearing under the foam. I sighed, thinking about how to improve her mood, and frowned after a moment when she was still not coming up.
I scooted closer on the edge of the tub, seeing only her hair sticking to the side of the porcelain edge but at that point, I was also expecting some bubbles to appear on the surface. Impressive. I made a mental note to read more books about humans. It was at least a minute since she went under and now I saw first bubbles making their way up but she still didn't resurface. So I decided to kill the time and gently began to slide the pile of bubbles from the bottom all the way up, revealing her body as I went. I smirked to myself when I could see her in full, but then I heard more breathing bubbles escaping her and quickly moved the pile of foam back just as she resurfaced, gasping for air.

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