12 - Spider Webs

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The two orgasms Loki gave me were definitely something to remember. Hopefully, I didn't piss him off too much by leaving but he gave me the impression of somebody who enjoyed the chase and the teasing that came with it.

I got to my room, having a much clearer mind than when I left that morning. I smiled, moving an 'orgasm from Loki' above 'coffee' in my imaginary list of things that helped me de-stress. After a quick shower, I headed out with a clear mission. To find out what Fury was plotting against me.

A crucial thing I learned when it came to obtaining info within groups with hierarchy, was that the lowest ranks were always the most underestimated. The powerful people around them believed they could serve them efficiently and listen in their meetings as whatever was discussed didn't affect them and therefore was useless to them. Which was the mistake. As it might have been useless to them but it was useful to others. Others like me.

I had two people on my list I could press for information. One was a woman that was so terrified of me that it would probably be enough if I would invade her personal space and she would spill everything she knew. The problem was, she would run to Fury right after and I would be screwed. So to prevent that, I would have to kill her. And I didn't kill innocent people. Most of the time.

I needed somebody who wouldn't tell on me and from whom I could be getting intel on a more long-term basis. It was time to use my wild card. Coulson junior. I opened two of the top buttons on my shirt and headed to the higher floors where he usually hung out. His name was Oliver and he had nothing to do with the actual agent Coulson but he was also so pathetically submissive that Fury quickly grew fond of him and trusted him with more and more tasks and missions. Those were Fury's favorites. Those who blindly followed each of his orders and sucked up to him. He was following Fury like an obsessed puppy, doing his best to prove himself and earn his spot among the higher ranks. It worked perfectly on his boss, but what Fury didn't know, was that his dear Oliver seemed to be one of those adrenalin junkies. Whenever I passed him by or talked to him, there was the familiar feeling of fear coming off him but it was also mixed with something quite amusing. With arousal. He liked the danger and it was turning him on.

He was in his twenties, a year or so younger than me, and I was glad he wasn't exactly bad to look at so I didn't have to force myself into flirting with him. It took me a while to locate him but when I finally did, he was at the canteen, waiting in a long queue with his empty tray. With a head held high, I cut the line and pushed myself right behind him, hearing displeased grunts from the people behind me but none of them dared to say a thing. Oliver tensed up the second he realized I was behind him, but he didn't say anything, anxiously clenching his plastic tray and staring ahead at the canteen staff at the counter, his heart racing with adrenalin.

We waited in the line for several minutes but both of us stayed silent. He was too afraid to utter a word my way and I didn't want to come across as too obvious. For now, I only wanted him to think about me when he was alone at night, recalling all the little moments whenever I shifted my weight from one foot to another and brushed against his back as if impatient to stand for so long. By the time it was his turn, he quickly breathed out his order with his cheeks and body on fire. Once he got his plate, he uttered a barely audible 'thank you' to the staff and scuttled away whereas I only got a bottle of water and left the canteen, not sparing him a glance though I felt his curious eyes on my back.

With a similar strategy, I searched him out also the next day and the day after, and from there on, I started to run into him in all my usual places. The tables turned and now it was he who was trying to accidentally run into me. He got a new haircut and whenever he saw me at the end of the hallway, his back straightened up and he started to fix his clothes, inconspicuous as an elephant in a raincoat. We started to exchange short talks, sometimes even several times a day, and by the end of the week, we already had a date arranged. Well, not exactly a date, but an agreed visit in my apartment with an apparent expectation of it leading to sex.

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