27 - Insatiable

140 7 19

A/N: 9k long chapter, make yourself some tea 😏


The splitting headache I woke up with was killing me as I rolled off the bed and went to brush my teeth. Everything was hazy, my mind cloudy and it was only in the middle of taking a shower that I recalled the moment we entered my apartment. I gasped with the delayed realization and quickly looked around as if expecting arresting officers to burst through the door. But there was no one there. I wasn't in prison. Was I kicked out then? I bit my lip, not daring to hope my plan might have worked out. Way too many things went wrong. I killed Oliver, that was never the plan. It crossed the line. I only wanted to piss off Fury to the point where he would want to kick me out, not imprison me. I quickly finished the shower and went back to my room, antsy and dying with anticipation. Thousands of scenarios of what might have happened were swirling in my mind and I only managed to put on my underwear when there was a knock on the door.

I stilled and listened carefully, trying to judge if there was a group of people or just one. There were no voices or any other sounds and I plucked up the courage, put on my bathrobe, and went to the door. My hand was trembling as I reached for the handle and I steadied my breathing before pushing the handle down and swinging the door open, ready to fight whoever was on the other side.

"Loki," I breathed out with relief, something that seemed to have taken him by surprise. I stepped aside to let him in and shut the door, awaiting his words. He looked tired, his face more pale than usual with an air of nervousness around him. Fuck. Maybe I was getting arrested. Maybe Tony was still trying to negotiate something with Fury. Fuck. I ran my hand through my wet hair and made a few steps toward him, needing him on my side in case the prison was an option. "You're awfully quiet."

"And you don't seem seething with wrath. For leaving you at Fury's mercy."

I narrowed my eyes, a little spark of hope igniting in me. If my anger was his only worry, there was a chance it all worked out. "My anger toward you is very much dependent on the outcome of the meeting."


"That if I'm going to prison, I'll need your help."

"And if you would go, let's say," he made a few hesitant steps closer, his eyes not leaving mine, "to Asgard? How would that affect your anger with me?"

I bit my lip, trying not to scream with joy unless he would confirm it out loud. "In that case," I answered with a shaky voice, failing to stay composed as I made a final unsteady step, standing now face to face, "I would be still willing to put it behind us. After all, it wouldn't be smart of me to be on bad terms with the prince of a realm I'm living in, would it?"

He breathed out a laugh mixed with immense relief and his forehead dropped against mine. His hands snaked to my waist and I leaned back to see into his face when I got flooded with happiness. His happiness. He was bursting with it even though he was barely showing it but it was so strong even his barrier couldn't contain it. "Loki?" I peeped, tears of excitement welling up my eyes. "Are you telling me that--"

"Yes, Earthling, you'll be an Asgardian citizen."

The screech that escaped me startled him so much that he stumbled backward but I no longer paid him attention as I ran up to my bed and began jumping up and down. "Fuck yeah!! I'm a fucking genius, Loki!! I made it!! It worked, it worked, it worked!!" The air was mixing up with his happiness and my excitement, making me more hyped as I continued jumping and chanting 'Asgard' over and over again.

"Alright, calm down, Firecracker." He approached me with the widest of grins and I dropped down to my knees, heaving and wanting to hear every detail.

"Tell me everything. Were you there? Who else was there? What were everyone's reactions?" The smile didn't leave his face as he climbed on the bed to sit opposite me. He was studying my face as if he'd never seen anyone that happy, his eyes deep but sparkling with joy. "C'mon, Loki. Don't make me beg for it."

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