9 - First Lesson

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I was impatiently switching my weight from one leg to another, waiting for Fury to finish his speech.
He was taking ages explaining the details of their last mission, borderline bragging, and what he now needs from me when it comes to the interrogation of the prisoner.
As usual, only shooting orders my way and I patiently listen, keeping my mouth shut to not get scolded. Just once I would love to hear 'hey, good job'  from him, but I knew that was just wishful thinking. And something, that in his eyes, I did not deserve. For that, I would have to play by his rules and obey like a little puppy just as Steve was. No matter that I always gave him a good result, I knew I would never be in his good grace.

"Are you even listening to me, Feer?" he snapped, piercing me with his eye and I wondered if I would lose my hand if I would pull on his eyepatch and let it snap against his face.

"Of course I am," I retorted, crossing my arms, "you need to know if he has an accomplice."

"Yes, but" he paused and sighed with annoyance, "you need to ask precisely, he is pretty sly and cunning."


"Think about the questions carefully so you can see through his lies."


"And it is as always being recorded, so you need to be on your best behavior, okay?"


"And remember that if you don't ask a definite question, he will be able to give an answer with double meaning, making you think he is honest."

"Of course."

"It is really important that we---"

"I get it."

"You don't seem like you are taking--"

"Why didn't you ask Rina if you don't--"

"She is on a mission and we need to act fast so unfortunately, you are---"

"I will get you your answer, Nick."

"Without violence."

"Without violence," I repeated and rolled my eyes, looking at the culprit through the one-way mirror.

"He will not end up as a bundle of nerves, promise?"

I sighed in exasperation and looked Fury deep in his eye, "I promise."

He finally shut up and waved his hand towards the door, giving me a green light to start the interrogation.
I left the hidden room and entered the interrogation cell, striding straight to the prisoner and pressing my palm to his forehead.
A second later he was on the floor, crawling away from me, his trousers wet, eyes wide with fear.

"P-P-Please d-d-don't," he stuttered out, pressing himself into a corner at the wall, his arms raised in defense.

"Did you have anyone helping you? Any kind of accomplice?"

"N-N-No, I swear, I did not, I promise, I ---"

Given how long Fury's speech was, I asked once more, just to make him happy.

"Are you telling the truth? With no loopholes?"

"Y-Y-Yes, I-I am, all truth, I worked alone."

I nodded and turned around just to see Fury swinging the door open, looking as if he was about to explode.

"Feer!!!!!" he exclaimed and marched towards me but I took a step to the side, passing him by.

"Sorry, Nick," I said over my shoulder, not looking back, "I have my sword-fighting lesson. I didn't want to be late."

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