15 - Starks for dinner

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There was something about sleeping next to Loki. Both mornings I woke up perfectly rested and in a good mood like I haven't in years. And the best part was opening my eyes and seeing Annie still in my hand, her obsidian-like grip reflecting both deep shades of black and dark green. I ran the tip of my index finger over it, not believing I finally had a sword and it was such a masterpiece of craftsmanship.

"Good morning, earthling." Loki's voice brought me to the new day and I looked up at him, not wanting to move but knowing I'll have to if I was supposed to finish all of my tasks before tonight's dinner. And put my other plans in motion.

"Morning," I yawned and sat up, rubbing my face to speed up the process of waking up. "When is Thor coming back from his search for Hella?"



"Why are you asking?"

"When is he supposed to be back?"

Silence fell between us, neither of us willing to budge. We stared at each for a long minute before I gave up and got up, going to the bathroom. I took my change of clothes with me, depriving him of a dressing show since he was depriving me of answers.

"That was cruel," he said the moment I emerged from the bathroom, ready to go about my day. "First you ask about my brother as if he's the first thing on your mind when you wake up next to me and then, you hide in the bathroom and come back all dressed and ---"

"I need something with him," I cut him short, surprised I sensed a pang of jealousy from him now but not with Oliver. Good to know. Loki wasn't the jealous type unless it came to his brother. That should make it easier to make him do what I needed from him. I walked back to the bed that he still occupied, walking slowly as if contemplating something. "Maybe, you could do it instead of me."

"And what would that be?" He quirked his brow, his eyes dropping to my hips.

"I need him to think you have feelings for me."

His jaw dropped down and a second later he started to laugh, shaking his head. "You mad?"

"Probably," I stopped at the edge of the bed, keeping my expression serious. "I mean, before you came along, he was here almost every day. Joining all of our missions and I spent most of my free evenings with him, swindling him out of his fortune in poker. I think he warmed up to me enough to believe whatever I say. If I plan another...game night with him."

His jaw was set tight, his cold eyes piercing mine, no signs of his laugh from earlier. "And why, may I ask, do you need him to believe I would have feelings for you? A Midgardian?"

"You're smart Loki, you'll eventually figure out what my plan is, don't you worry." I smiled sweetly, trying to pat his head but he smacked my hand away. "Take it as a game. To keep you occupied. Let's see how long it'll take you to figure it out."

"I'm not assisting you unless I know what it's about. I think it's only fair that ---"

"I don't play fair. Never did and never will." I grabbed my sword and turned around, walking to my special chest and storing the sword in there. I could feel Loki's gaze burning my back, surely more than once attempting to open the magical chest and failing. "But if you don't want to, it's fine. I'll happily arrange the game night with him." Without looking back, I went to the apartment door and swung it open, hearing a quiet mutter of 'I'll think about it' before I closed it shut behind me with a wide grin.

The day was as dull as I expected it to be. I rather invested my time yesterday into practice and now I had a pile of reports for Fury to write up. Lately, my days were mostly writing reports from Rina's interrogations, rarely ever used for anything else. I didn't complain as I got paid either way, but it was boring, monotonous work. With my headphones on and listening to upbeat music, I eventually got through all the paperwork, relieved that I should be more or less free for the next few days. Maybe I could finally take Loki for that outside trip he wanted. If all goes well tonight. I checked my watch and with only twenty minutes left to the dinner, I rushed back to my apartment to get ready.

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