20 - Sweet Dreams

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A/N: It's a short chapter but the next one will be much longer so I kinda had to split it...just a short, fluffy read....for now :)


I had no intention of not using magic for that silly cleaning task. Even though I kept my private surroundings neat and tidy, I still had servants to do proper cleaning and there was no way I would be one for her. Wrath point down or not.

I waited until she fell asleep, made sure she was breathing, and then went over to her discarded jacket, putting it into her closet. I did a few more mediocre tasks, gaining an alibi in case she would question if I used magic or not. Only then I flicked my wrist and everything else in her room transformed to be perfectly spotless and orderly. Just as I liked it. Now even if she asked if I used magic, the part I did manually would ensure she wouldn't sense a lie.

With a proud smile, I returned back to bed but kept my distance just as she asked. I closed my eyes, contemplating how to get rid of those points so I could touch her again and be on good terms with her. The key seemed to be keeping her well-fed and happy. When in a good mood, she bargained easily with those points so I had to make sure to keep her in good spirits for as long as those points were hanging above my head. She responded well to food, massages, and overall getting pampered. I bit my lip, liking the idea of spoiling her a little. And then I felt her hand on my chest and opened my eyes, watching her press her body to my side.

With my eyebrow arched, I watched her intently as she settled her head on my shoulder but I restrained myself from putting my arm around her. Asleep or not, her request was clear and so I folded my arms under my head, wondering what she was dreaming as she let out a quiet, melodic hum. It instantly reminded me of Ingrid, how she slept flushed against me in a tight embrace, her golden locks cascading over her naked shoulders. Thor had no reason to bring her up in the conversation and I hated she was on my mind ever since. What I hated, even more, was that I started to feel more possessive about Feer. Especially when it came to her relationship with Thor. I couldn't care less if she would go and sleep with half the occupants of this stupid tower, but I couldn't stomach the idea of seeing Thor with her. With my mortal. There was nothing about her that was mine and the thought was making me uneasy.

The memory of walking on Ingrid and Thor in the stables flashed through my mind and I clenched my fists at the imagery. How passionately they were kissing, her slender fingers entangled in his blonde hair. The embarrassed grin he flashed me when he noticed me standing there, not seeing Ingrid's petrified face. It felt like somebody stabbed me right through my heart and though she was the only one to blame for all that, I couldn't help but loathe Thor a little as well. They looked perfect together. Her golden hair reflected off his armor like shimmering sunrays and all I was to her at that moment was only a dark smudge in an otherwise perfect picture.

Feer stirred in her position and my eyes darted open, my mind yanked from the negative thoughts back to reality. She rolled off of me with a deep frown, quietly grunting and curling up into a ball with the duvet scrunched up in her arms.

With a disappointed sigh, I snapped my fingers and summoned a book to keep my mind off Ingrid but before I got a chance to open it a thought flashed through my mind. Feer was surprised at how rested she usually woke up next to me and I smirked, closing my eyes and ready to test my sudden theory.

I thought of the cliff where I used to go in Asgard. How beautiful and powerful the ocean was, crashing against the rocks. I thought of Frigga, how she took me for the first time to her herb garden and started to teach me the uses and effects of various plants. How proud it made me feel that she considered me to be ready even though I was just a kid. Or the fact that Thor wasn't part of it. It was just our little secret. A way for her to spend some alone time with me without my brother stealing all her attention with his usual showing off.

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