13 - Quid pro quo

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"Shit!" I yelped and jumped up, quickly smoothing down the skirt of my dress.

"Don't worry, you look ravishing."

"Get lost, Loki," I hissed and looked down at my cleavage, pulling down on the fabric to make it more revealing. My anxiety was back and I took a deep breath to steady myself. With my eyes closed, I focused on the persistent feeling of my chest tightening and letting it slowly drain away, boxing it up and storing it away. I knew I would have to consciously focus on keeping it that way but I hoped that once I got Oliver where I needed him to be, I would relax naturally and wouldn't need to use my powers to stay this calm.

"I'm staying," Loki announced and got up, ripping the largest twig of the grapes, and before I could protest he and the grapes disappeared with a flash of green light. "You won't even know I'm here. I'll sit on the floor from the other side of the table."

"You'll be gone by the time we get to the bed," I ground through my teeth, making my way to the door.

"Uncomfortable having me watch?"

"I don't care," I spat out in a whisper, somewhere in his direction. "But he didn't give consent to it."

"Ah, you and your fickle morals."

"Loki!" I whisper shouted, my hand already on the door handle.

"Fine." I heard from the coffee table.

"Oliver!" I opened the door with the brightest smile, ushering him in. He looked around the open space with hesitancy, before making a cautious step in, his eyes stopping on the large bed in the back of the room. "We'll get to that one later," I joked but when I felt his panic, I quickly added, "or not. It's up to you, Oliver. As I told you, I just want something casual. If you're not feeling up to it--"

His courage instantly made itself known and he quickly shook his head. "No, no, sorry. I just, I just didn't expect it to go that fast. When I first approached you. You know..."

"Yeah, about that," I gave him a weary smile and waved to the sofa for him to take a seat. He obeyed just as he was trained to do and I sat down next to him, pulling up my feet and turning to face him. "I'm sorry, there's just something I need to get out of the way." He frowned and I bored my eyes into his, pretending to focus the same way I did during interrogations. "Did Fury send you here?"

"No, no, no,--" he hurried to shake his head and waved his hands.

"He didn't order you to get closer to me or to flirt with me?"

"No, absolutely not!"

His panic increased as I narrowed my eyes but though he was telling the truth, I wanted to make sure he won't even think I was the one who made the first move.

"So you approached me on your own accord."

"Yes, I swear."

"Alright," I said giddily with faux relief and pulled back a little, flashing him a sweet smile. "Sorry, had to make sure, you know." In response, he only nodded and then sat there silently, his eyes hovering over the room but never stopping on me. Given how much he was turned on by me in the hallways, I could barely make out any hint of arousal in him now, when properly alone. It was mostly nervousness with anticipation and a dose of shyness though his determination was occasionally still peeking through. Surprisingly, his fear wasn't as prominent as I expected it to be, only a faint glimpse of it underneath everything else he felt.

"Okay, how about this," I said and before he could react, I threw my leg over his thighs and sat down on his lap, his face now at the level of my cleavage. "Tell me what you want to feel." I lifted my finger and brought the tip of it to his forehead, slowly dragging it across and down to his temple. He knew what just a touch from me could do to people and most of everything he felt got instantly pushed back on behalf of the fear that finally made itself palpably present. "Anything you like," I cooed and my finger traveled across his pretty jawline to his chin, lifting it to my curious gaze. "Hm?"

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