Chapter 1:

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"Yah Jeongwoo yah...come and take a look at this." Shouted Haruto once he entered Jeongwoo's room.

"Why? What is that?" asked Jeongwoo while walking closer towards Haruto.

Haruto quickly hooked his arm on Jeongwoo's shoulder and showed his phone screen in front of the younger's face. "Read this." He said.

"Yeaaaahhhh.....NO!NO!NO!...I don't want to know the content." Said Jeongwoo once he read the title and saw their combined name clearly shows in the text. He quickly shoved Haruto's hand and run back to his bed.

"Hey, when did you start interested in those kinds of things?As far as I remember, you hate it." he asked back to the older while looking at him in disbelief. Haruto just laughs seeing Jeongwoo's reactions.

"Hey, don't you want to know the full story?" he asked while giggling hard without answering.

"No. I don't want to. Thank you!" Jeongwoo answered sternly.

Haruto lying on Jeongwoo's bed and his eyes still pinned on the screen, reading the introduction of the fanfiction that he found out recently. Jeongwoo just took a glance towards the Japanese beside him before continuing playing a game on his phone, feeling unbothered until he heard Haruto uttered "Jeongwoo-ya, I love you."

He startled when he turned to look at the owner of the deep voice just to find out that their face was closed enough to make his heart flutter. With no regret, he threw a punch on Haruto's arm that made the japanese shout in pain.

"Oh no, don't start! Aaaa Ruto-yah...don't do that kind of thing...pleaseee...." He whined with a cringed while rolling his body left and right and kicking his blanket.

"Whyyyy? Why?" Asked Haruto while pulling Jeongwoo closer to him and still giggling.

"I love you....I love you Jeongwoo-ya, ....I said I love you...I love you Jeongwoo...Yaaaahhh... I said I love you!!!" Haruto kept pestering Jeongwoo with that line which he copied from the series 'It's Ok Not To Be OK'.

"Shut up Ruto-yah!!! Or else I won't let you stay here tonight. Go back to your room...pleaseeeee!"

"I don't want to. I want to sleep here with my love." Haruto locked his arm around Jeongwoo who was struggling to get away from him.

"Oh shit!..Don't you dare! Yahhh...Ruto-yahhh...Haruto!!!"

" will disturbed the others."

"I don't care. Let go of me!!"

While they are still bickering with each other, someone knocks on the door, and in a second Jihoon is already standing in front of them with a serious face.

"Yah you kids!!! Do you really need to make a ruckus in the middle of the night? What are you two doing? Don't you get enough already? From day to midnight, both of you still keep bickering with each other. Yah Ruto-yah, what is the point of having a single room if you keep sleeping with him?" he blabbered.

"Sorry hyung, but you also keep barging into Mashi hyung's room to cuddle." Sneered Haruto.

There is no word coming from Jihoon unless a wide smile carving on his lips and just pointing his finger towards Haruto.

"Just don't be too loud" the older said before leaving them alone behind the closed door.

Jeongwoo quickly freed himself from Haruto's locking arm and another punch snapped onto that guy's arm.

"It's your fault!!!" he said to the deep voice guy.

"I didn't do anything. You are the one who is overreacting." He said, while tapping the younger's head. " arms hurt. How could you? I'm still older than you, Jeongwoo-ya. If I can't practice tomorrow, then it's all your fault." He continued.

"Served you right." Jeongwoo said before turning away from Haruto and cuddling his pillow to get some sleep.

Haruto looks at Jeongwoo who is now back facing him. Their friendship is already that close after years of being together. Seeing how each other grew up like a close sibling that makes them comfortable to tease each other. Even though he has a good term with the other members too, having someone who was born in the same year makes them more comfortable to express everything. Furthermore, Jeongwoo is the one who always encourages him when he feels homesick or stressed while away from his family at a young age. They had shared so many things together, including secrets that can't be told to others. That is why he feels calm whenever he's with Jeongwoo, being transparent without worries about how others will judge him. But one secret that still remains on his own. The feeling that started lingering in his heart from the first day he heard this person singing with his soulful voice and how the admiration keeps growing deeply throughout the years which he never knows it will. Which makes him crazily affected when this guy is close with other members. Jealousy perhaps. He still remembers how he was freaked out knowing that he was being jealous without a reason when seeing Jeongwoo hugging Jaehyuk and how the younger smiled widely when the older stroked his hair and brushed his nose on the younger's forehead. He left them, outraged but didn't know where he should go and with whom he could talk to. Because of the realization of his inner feeling, he started to stay away from it and try to distract himself with other things and start to hang out with the other members more than his same year buddy, while hoping that the feeling which he had for him will vanish before it could affect him in the future. But, as years passed, he just can't deny the feeling that he has for this person who is younger by month is still there. He never has the courage to tell this korean guy how he feels toward him....or...maybe he already did but as usual, Jeongwoo doesn't seem to catch up with his words that he uttered numerously like he did earlier. "Does it sound insincere?" he thought to himself. "Even our fans can see it through, why can't you?" thought his mind, remembering the comment that he always read about them. He shook his head with a smile plastered on his lips.

"Goodnight Jeongwoo-ya. I love you" he whispered to the younger's ear.

"SLEEP!!!" replied Jeongwoo with an annoyed tone that made Haruto giggling in satisfaction before landing right beside him, letting his body rest after having a long day.

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