Chapter 6:

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Almost a week Haruto and Jeongwoo didn't hang out together since Jeongwoo was busy with his studies and Haruto spent most of his time in the studio. But they did contact each other even a simple message will do.

"Hei...missing someone?" Hyunsuk patted Haruto's shoulder when he caught the Japanese looking at his photo album on his phone. Haruto just threw a smile towards the leader.

"How is it going?" asked Hyunsuk since the younger one kept silent.

"Just like usual. Still have no courage to confess. But I did drop some hints. Just I don't know whether he noticed it or not. Lately we haven't seen each other." explained Haruto and a heavy sigh was released afterward.

"Don't worry, next week our schedule will be full again with T-Map shooting." Hyunsuk grinning widely. He loves when everyone gets together. It would be chaotic but it would be nice when all of them are doing something together.


Jeongwoo lying on his bed while playing a game on his phone after finishing his revisions. Being alone is not his kind but there he is locking himself in his own room, not in a mood to socialize with others. Lately, there are a lot of things that have been clouding in his mind that drain his energy and he is tired. Besides, he is getting more sensitive now, especially towards his best friend, the tall Japanese guy that keeps bothering his mind and heart. He knows that they seldom spent time in these past few days. He just needed time to calm down himself when he felt suffocated around the tallest guy. Not because of something that he hates, but the way he flusters whenever being with him almost exposing his feelings towards the latter. He doesn't want their friendship to be awkward like what happened during the trainee days. But, thinking of those days, it was much easier for him to act like nothing happened since both of them avoided each other and the way Haruto treated him that time made it much easier for him to move on from one sided feeling. However, their situation now is totally different. Haruto had given him so much care. The way he treats him nowadays made him hard to resist. The more he wanted to contain his feelings the more he would fall for the latter. Not to mention their skinship nowadays. Everything is just not healthy for his heart. Someday, he could lose himself and he is afraid of its consequences.

Suddenly his phone rang. His heart started pounding when Haruto's name appeared on the screen.

"Hello." he answered, waiting for the caller to speak up.

"Hei, what's up? What are you doing?" the deep voice echoed on the line.

"Nothing, just lying and playing games. Are you still working?" he asked.

"Hmm..." Haruto just hummed to the answer.

Both of them were caught up in silence for a while, before they said something simultaneously.

"Have you...." both of them said and stopped when they realized that they were saying at the same time.

"Pardon?" Haruto asked.

"Ah..nothing, what do you want to say?"Jeongwoo bit his lips trying to control his shaky voice.

"Ahhh..I just want to ask, have you eaten?" asked Haruto.

" that the only reason you called me? Every time you call me it's all about the food." said Jeongwoo in chuckles, trying to joke around. He can hear Haruto also laughing on the line.

"No,.. is just that.. since we haven't hung out recently, I thought it would be great to have lunch together." suggest Haruto.

"Actually I already had lunch with Doyoung hyung earlier." explained Jeongwoo.

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