Chapter 7:

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All treasure members get together in the YG building to do Vlive for their leader's birthday after the breaks. Jeongwoo has been away during their breaks to spend time with his family for a few days. Since then, the two best friends haven't seen each other, which  is a reason why Jeongwoo's eyes searched for no other than Haruto.  Both of them locked their gaze toward each other when they entered the room. Noticing the stare that Jeongwoo gave him during the Vlive, makes Haruto uncomfortable but still trying to compose himself. Both of them seem not really bothered what happened during the Vlive while busy with their silent interaction.


"Ruto.." Jeongwoo yelled in a low voice, more on whispering actually, calling for Haruto who was walking in front of him. He pulls Haruto's arm to make the latter stop and give a way to the other member to pass through. Haruto didn't complain. He quickly stood beside Jeongwoo and walked together when the others had already left.

"Are you okay? I saw you keep sniffles during the Vlive. Are you catching a cold?" asked Jeongwoo on their way to the parking lot.
"No. It's just that the room is a bit colder. Maybe because I'm wearing a thin shirt." answered Haruto.

"Do you want to borrow my cardigan?" Jeongwoo asked in concern, while ready to loosen his cardigan for Haruto to wear.

"No need.  I'll be okay when we are outside." said Haruto.

All Treasure's members are excited when they reach the unknown places after a long journey. They haven't been informed where they will be going but no one seemed to care as long as they were together and for Haruto and Jeongwoo, it was enough for them to enjoy the journey when they ended up seated in the same car. Everyone, being chaotic as usual, tries to figure out what they were supposed to do when they enter the house. Some of them provoke the staff to spill the hint but none of them bother to tell the truth. They soon decided on their own activities where they just chilled around. Some of them just lying on the couch, Junghwan decided to study for his test, Doyoung trying to take a nap but then being disturbed by Jeongwoo.

Haruto frowned while keeps staring at Jeongwoo, who was busy tickling Doyoung. That scene totally pissed him off seeing how the younger enjoyed it so much. Just because the camera is rolling in every corner of the room that makes him stay quiet and not show his jealousy . Even the staff didn't say anything, he knows there must be something going on. He noticed Hyunsuk was looking at him with a meaningful smile plastered on his lips. He just sat silently in the open wardrobe, since the couch was already packed with other members. While they were in that house, Jeongwoo was being loud as he usually did and Haruto joined and accompanied the latter including teasing their leader.  

Night finally came. They are all still having fun by themselves until Hyunsuk and Jihoon asked them to prepare a place to sleep. However, as usual, it is not something that is easy to do when there are all mischievous members gathered in that room , teasing each other. Jeongwoo, as someone who always jokes around, being the victim of the other members. He couldn't help when everyone was hitting him with the pillow and only had to curl up to cover himself. When everyone has settled down, Jeongwoo looks for Haruto only to find out he was busy chatting with Junkyu and the group. He thought they could sleep side by side but it seems Haruto was already lying down with them, so  Jeongwoo decided to stay on his spot. Within that time, he looked at one of the cameramen and whined about the pain that he suffered from the pillow fight earlier. Doyoung came to him and pretended to give him a treatment and suddenly both of them laughed out loud when their lips accidentally touched when Doyoung pretended to give CPR. Doyoung quickly backed off and hid himself in the blanket, while Jeongwoo gave him a teasing hug, without knowing that Haruto had been shocked by that scene.

They took this opportunity to surprise Hyunsuk by carrying him outside where the Birthday cake had been prepared. Hyunsuk shed tears, feeling overwhelmed with the members' actions. After the celebration ended, all of them returned inside to get some sleep. Jeongwoo lying beside Hyunsuk before he felt someone poke him. His eyes shrinked to focus on that person. He can't really see who it was since the room was already dark. But later, he realized the tall figure just walked in front of him and landed at the other side, a bit far from the rest of the members. Noticing it was Haruto, Jeongwoo quickly changed his spot and landed between Haruto and Doyoung. He took a glance toward Haruto and noticed that the latter was also looking at him. But, when Jeongwoo  turned his side to face him, Haruto quickly turned around, back facing him. "What's wrong with him? Why did he poked me earlier but then ignored me when I was here." thought Jeongwoo alone. "Yah, Ruto. Hey, Ruto!" Jeongwoo whispered, calling for his Japanese friend who has been silently lying beside him. Since there are a lot of staff still with them and the camera still rolling on, Jeongwoo  just shrugged it off when there was no response from that latter.


Haruto can't help being curious about what he had seen earlier. Everyone was busy with their own things to notice what had happened between Jeongwoo and Doyoung, but Haruto accidentally witnessed it. He was shocked and that made him frown in frustration.  "What are they doing? Why did they kiss each other?" thought Haruto in rage. He won't care if the others did that, but since it's Jeongwoo, the person he cares so much about and the person who he had a crush on, had kissed another guy in front of him. Although he tried to act like nothing happened, he can't stop thinking about it. When everyone had settled down in their own space, and the light had been switched off, he didn't wait any longer. The frustration makes him walk towards Jeongwoo who was lying beside Hyunsuk and poke him with his toe, just to give a signal for that latter to follow him. His intention to attract Jeongwoo's attention was successful when Jeongwoo moved towards him. No matter how eager he was to know the truth, he ended up being silent while looking at Jeongwoo who had landed beside him. He looked around, the staff still there with them with cameras on. So, he decided to let it go for that day. "Maybe I should ask him later." he thought to himself. He turned around, avoiding to face Jeongwoo. He couldn't lie to himself when he felt angry thinking about what Jeongwoo had done. That was the reason he ignored him even though he heard Jeongwoo called his name. "You better have a good reason to do that in front of my face." he gritted his teeth in irritation.

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