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Stiles POV

A few moments after the game ended I was standing with scott looking around for El. My phone started ringing and her face flashed across the screen. Maybe she went home and was just letting me know. She didn't look good, well she always looks good but she didn't look like she was feeling well in the slightest. I answered my phone and a sense of dread filled my very being. Scott's head snapped to me eyes wide in alert. "HELP ME" was all she said and then All we could hear were her screams. They shook me to my core, filled with pain and fear.
"El?. Where are you?. What's wrong." I yelled into the phone trying to get her to hear me over her screams. I tried over and over.
"Where did she go stiles?! Did she tell you?!." Scott asked frantically starting to panic.
"El I need you to tell me where you are honey. We don't know where you are." I said frantically I grabbed Scott and started running towards the school in the direction she had gone earlier. Fear setting in as her voice screamed continuously becoming so raw and horse. Sweat was forming on my brow and I knew something was very wrong. Like I could feel her fading from me. Dread was seeping in. What if we couldn't find her. What the hell did you get yourself into Ellianna. Finally she managed to tell us where she was. "G-gym" it was more of a hoarse whisper but we heard it. Scott and I pushed ourselves to run faster. It's only been a few minutes but it felt like hours. I'm terrified, we don't know what's happening we just know we have to get to her. She's always been the one holding us together, she's always made us smile and kept us on our toes. She keeps us out of trouble...most of the time. We can't lose her. I can't lose her... she's always been here for me, being the reason I made it where I am. I've been terrified because she's looked so sick. I should've known better.
"Elianna!" we burst through the gym doors frantically running to the small still figure in the center of the gym floor, my stomach dropping to the floor with my heart. I slide to a stop next to her, Scott mirroring my actions and my look of fear and worry. I quickly turned her over pulling the upper half of her body across my lap as best I could. "Hey... hey it's okay you're okay.... Where are you hurt?" I asked checking over her from head to toe, becoming more frantic when we couldn't find a mechanism of injury. She wasn't attacked... I look to Scott with a grim look tears filling my eyes just as his were. He was shaking just as terrified as I was, we were trying our best not to scare her but if my eyes looked anything like his she would know.

"It doesn't hurt" she choked out coughing up more black looking blood. I started stroking her hair comforting her refusing to let her go afraid she'd disappear in my arms. "What's happening" Scott asked in a small whisper I barely heard over the pounding of my heart. She looked lifeless and was cold to the touch. Her skin almost grey in color covered in black blood around her nose, ears, mouth and eyes all over the front of her.

"I-It's the Awk-awakening... Derek... S-said... there was... a chance... I wouldn't... s-sur-survive" she was struggling to get the words out as it her breathing sounding wet sticky and gargled. "I-I couldn't... te-tell.. you I... I was scared..." We were sobbing as we sat there holding on to her not knowing what to do. Our eyes held grief and sorrow as we watched her slip away, Sobs wrecked our bodies as what she just said started to sink in.

"No! I'm not letting you die! I can't lose you! Stiles I'll be back, keep her awake, okay? I'm getting my mom and your dad they can help." He said frantically squeezing her hand tightly as he said each word, he kissed her forehead and then he was gone. I clung onto her more, silently begging her to be okay. Praying to every god I could think of for the first time in a long time. Sobs wrecking my body as the love of my life lay almost lifeless in my arms. Struggling to breathe and hold on. I'll never let her go. This can't be real.

I looked down into her eyes, she was looking at me through glossy hooded lashes. Studying my every feature. I tried to steal my nerves calm her as much as I could "I can't lose you too El. Why didn't you tell me?" I said sobbing harder my voice breaking with each word, the pain that was behind those words as I shook my head from side to side failing to conceal my emotions. It was the only thing I could feel at this moment, I felt like my world was falling apart. I broke in front of her. Every piece of my breaking and shattering. She lifted her hand to my cheek and I slowly and shakily took one of mine placing it over hers helping her hold hers there sinking my face further into her touch absorbing all of her I could. This movement seemingly exhausting her completely, her hand to shaking unsteadily in mine. Her breathing became slower and she was gasping slightly to breathe. "There was nothing you could do to stop it" she cried. I just held her tighter there was nothing I could do but hold her and sob. "I-I love you... Stiles St-Stilinski" she choked out not getting enough air she slowly became limp her eyes blank and unseeing. "No, no, no, no, no, no, baby?... El?! EL!!"

I clung to her as she went limp in my arms, she was so pale apart from the almost black dried blood on her face. I sobbed into her hair as I frantically started searching for a pulse but I couldn't find one. I pulled her to my chest begging for her to just open her eyes.
I frantically moved her to the floor and started compressions.
"Please please please come back to me" I said in between compressions switching to mouth to mouth. I heard someone wail in a distance I couldn't tell I was too focused on her and what I was doing to notice Scott return with his mom and my dad. Everything was a blur Scott dragged me off of her me fighting the whole way.
"Son it's okay!. Let us help her!." Dad said in a stern but frantic way. Scott and I collapsed there waiting and watching what was happening barely breathing. Paramedics came in and took over and we followed everything was a blur. Dad had his arms around me while Scott and his mom were comforting eachother following her into the back of the ambulance.
"We'll follow you guys to the hospital" dad said. As he walked us to his patrol car. I was on auto pilot, every memory of her and her smile playing on repeat in my head. Breaking my heart a little with each one.
"What happened stiles?"
"I don't know dad. I don't know" I said quietly as silent tears streamed down my face.
Once we got to the hospital we sat with Scott and his mom as she started to recount the update us and I hung on to every word.
"They got her heart beat back, and placed her on a vent... because of the fluid in her lungs" she paused in between sobs sitting down across from us. "She's in a medically induced coma but they said that her temperature was so high it caused her organs to shut down" I took a shaky breath rubbing my face, standing to pace the room we were in. She'll be okay she's strong... she'll be okay.
"We'll know more in a few hours. They don't know what caused it but all we can do is wait." With that we all sat in silence tears streaming down our faces and fear consuming us.
"You boys did good" my dad said with his hand on my shoulder. I reached up and held on to my dads hand for dear life sobbing.

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