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Stiles and I decided that it was probably a good idea to go to the party to keep an eye on Scott when we got there the house was already full of drunken teenagers. Lyd's house was huge and beautiful, it was more of a mansion than a house, I had nicknamed it the playboy mansion. We wove our way through the crowd of our grinding and drunken fellow classmates trying to find Scott. I'll give it to the strawberry blonde bombshell she knew how to throw a party. We had decided to split up and I finally found Scott with Allison and sent a quick text to Stiles.




I turned on my heel making my into Lydia's house and got a bottle of water out of her fridge, I knew her house well considering if I wasn't being dragged around by the boys I was here with her and then I headed to the front yard to get away from the crowd. If Scott left, I assume he'll come this way since he drove the car here.

Just then someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me next to the house. "Where is Scott!" he demanded glowering at me. I have no clue who this prick is, but he is seriously pissing me off. Who the hell does he think he is grabbing me like that? I look up to meet the light green eyes of a tall dark-haired man with wide shoulders. He was wearing dark jeans, a grey T-shirt that clung to his muscular body well, topped with a black leather jacket. 

"Why should I tell you?" I asked trying to pull my wrist free from his tighteningly painful grasp. I looked at him and my breath got caught in my throat. He looked pissed and I'm not going to lie he was intimidating as hell. He grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall of the fence separating Lydia's house and the neighbors. My hands automatically grabbed ahold of his wrists as if it was going to relieve some of the pressure off my neck, his piercing green eyes scowling at me but that's not what got me it was the change from piercing green to bright ass blue that scared the living shit out of me. I felt the familiar buzz of static run up my arms and the tug in the back of my mind, steeling my nerve's giving me newfound confidence in handling the situation at hand. Honestly if I wasn't scared shitless right now, I'd be turned on, he was fine as hell, he was giving off hella bad boy vibes with a slight hint of a venerable side that was hidden almost perfectly behind his lack of social grace. My fear slipped away quickly as I felt power surge through my body.

"Tell me or I'll rip your throat out right here right now" he threatened me. "You need to tell him to stay away from her, or he'll expose all three of us and if he does that, I'm coming for you both." He gritted out through perfectly white teeth pulling me forward slightly and slamming me back against the fence as if to get his point across, that hurt. When the hell does he find the time to worry about dental hygiene between harassing teenagers and going for runs in the dog park. Yes, sarcasm and snarky comments are my defense mechanism, you have Stiles to thank for that. I'm going to assume this is Derek Hale he matches the description Stiles gave me on the way over here when I asked him about who Derek was from the earlier conversation with Scott. Also, why am I being dragged into this I'm not like them, what does he know about me? I narrow my eyes at him, gritting my teeth as anger starts to set in. I can feel the anger wafting off him in waves and it's just feeding more into mine.

"Derek, I'm assuming you're Derek, right? I'm going to tell you one time to let me go if you don't, I'll scream" at that Derek tightened his hold on my neck and I started seeing black spots in my vision. The pressure on my neck no doubt leaving bruises, along with cutting off my air supply. I had started to black out my vision was fading in and out, my body started vibrating as the energy I was feeling kicked up a notch and my head started to ache ever so slightly, I don't know if that was from the strangling or my abilities rearing its ugly head. My head snapped up and Derek looked at me as if I had grown an extra head. At this moment with the look of uncertainty in Derek's eyes I felt ballsy and strong to say the least. "You've been a very bad dog" I smirked at him darkly, eyeing him meticulously. Not my best moment in terms of snarky comments but hey given the situation I think it was a pretty good one. His eyes widened as I took my hand off his wrist that was holding my neck and pushed it out in front of me before it ever hit Derek's chest he went flying into the tree across the well maintained yard from where we were standing mere seconds ago. I could feel the copper tasting liquid pour down over my lips, but I didn't care I wanted Derek gone. He was now standing again looking at me in shock, he was clear on the other side of house. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I wanted a fight one that I doubt I could win. My Jiminy Cricket wasn't loud enough to get me to back down. I narrowed my eyes on him with pure hatred, my body pulsing with energy and adrenaline.

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