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I walked out of class heading to the library for my free periods not paying attention to where I was going. I was lost in thought of everything that had changed in our lives when I bumped into a chest, stumbling slightly. Arms reached out and stabilized me around my waist, I looked up to meet a smiling Jackson. God I hated him, his creepy arrogant smile sent shivers down my spine.

God what does Lydia see in this douche.

"Sorry... I wasn't paying attention." I was caught off guard by this good attitude towards me, he normally looks as if someone pissed in his cheerio's and short/rude with me. He's never so... what's the word? Friendly...  

"You were off in your own little world huh?" I shook off the shock and took a step from his towering frame, he stood several inches taller than myself. I looked at him still weirded out by his presence. He looked sickly, dark circles and dim eyes that didn't match the forced smile he had. 

"Yeah sorry, I was just heading to study hall" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked what I would call sincere if it wasn't for the conniving look in his eyes and feeling wafting from him. 

"I actually wanted to find you and apologize for how I've treated you and your brother in the past. I've been impolite and rude to you in the past and was wanting to become friends if that's okay with you." I was itching to get away from him. His presence was disturbing me in a way that made my skin crawl, this felt forced and out of character for him. He has an ulterior motive for this sudden need to apologize and become friends. 

"It's okay... but aside from being cordial strangers I want nothing from you." He looks at me pathetically and steps towards me causing me to take a step back. I step against the wall and realize I'm trapped. He leans on his arm against the wall above my head. 

"Forgive and forget right? Everyone deserves a second chance, Ella. Most people would kill to be close to me" He raises a hand to move a fallen curl out of my face being overly friendly. I scoffed at the nerve of this pompous asshole. I shove him slightly and stand on my toes in his face. 

"First of all it's Elliana. Second you've spent years tormenting my brother and belittling me because you are a self centered spoilt little rich bitch brat that thinks you're gods gift to man." I say steadying a glare at his getting closer to him causing him to step back. He was grinding his teeth glaring at me. "I have no interest in being your friend. I don't know what your intentions are but I'm going to make myself clear. I. DON'T. WANT. TO. BE. YOUR. FRIEND." Enunciating each word with a hard poke to his chest and with that I slammed my shoulder into his as I walked to my car. I needed to get away. I decided to send Derek a message to meet at our training spot, I wanted to blow off some steam.

When I finally got there Derek was waiting for me, hands in his pockets cocky grin in place that dissipated as soon as he caught the drift of my mood. I just dropped my bag and got into position. Luckily I changed into my running clothes before coming out here. He raised an eyebrow and followed suit not asking any questions. He could tell I was frustrated and angry. 

We started circling each other concentrating, he glanced down at my feet and I struck spinning low knocking his feet out from under him. He jumped up instantly and I punched him he dodged it. He changed to offense causing me to switch into defense. He went for a punched and I leaned out of it. As I stepped to dodged his hit I kneed him in the stomach, he buckled slightly at the impact and I let my anger flow through. Kicking him to his back with a force I didn't know I had and jumped over him, straddling his midsection. I punched him a few times the force causing my knuckles to split. He growled and flung me off of him. He looked worried and pissed but didn't stop the scrimmage. He stepped and I didn't parry fast enough. His fist landing across my check, he spun me. My back against his chest, I waited a second my breath ragged and rage boiling. 

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