Blank space

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There are voices all around me talking softly as if the room is full. The mood is solemn and the air thick. I spin around in a circle but there's nothing but blank space around me, black cold darkness. I'm confused I have no clue how I got here or where I am. There's a small light to the left of me I inspect it and see a silhouette move in front of it. There's wind blowing my hair around me, from where I'm not sure. I start walking towards the figure. "Hello?" No answer, I walk faster towards the figure decreasing the distance between us. I'm close enough to see blonde hair and smell sweet roses. I slow my pace when I get within reaching distance of the strange woman. "Hello?" I say as I place my hand on her shoulder. She turns to me looking at me with beautiful Chrystal blue eyes and a kind smile. She's gorgeous I would say early twenties if not late teens. She was wearing a white shirt and flowy skirt. Her beautiful features illuminated by the strange floating light that's just waist level hovering there emitting the light sounds of voices.

"I've been waiting for you Elianna" she says with a sweet voice.

"How do you know my name?" I take a few steps back not sure what exactly is going on or where I'm at. The last real thing I remember is being in Styles arms quite literally dying and now I'm here in dark depressing limbo. HOLY HELL I'M DEAD. 

"I'm Lisa, I know you're confused right now but we don't have a lot of time. Do you remember anything?" Lisa... that name sounds so familiar. We stand there in silence for a few seconds, while I think over the last few days. Tears fill my eyes. I'm dead, I didn't make it I wasn't strong enough, Derek was wrong. I sobbed for my pain and the pain of my loved ones. I hit my knees staring at the ground my heart breaking for my family.

"I'm.. I'm dead aren't I, I wasn't strong enough for the awakening." when sour wolf is wrong, he's dead wrong. I'm so going to haunt his bitch ass. Although to his credit I didn't believe I would make it out. Hell, I didn't even really know what to expect. Everything happened so fast, the whole situation hasn't even sank in yet. Like honestly, I'm DEAD. 

"Not quiet, you're still alive Elianna. Your consciousness is just here with me. You're strong mentally and physically. I'm only here to guide you as my predecessor tried to guide me. Although, your change happened much faster than mine." She said kneeling down in front of me taking my hands, staring into my eyes. "That is why your heart stopped because it was far too much at one time, it normally takes weeks but unfortunately you only had days. Your abilities were never supposed to come out that soon or that strongly, you are the strongest there's been, most likely because of your bond with your brother. I'm assuming Derek informed you on what happened to me?"

I nodded crying silently waiting for her to continue. "My change wasn't as powerful as yours. I was never meant to become a ki̱demónas. I wasn't as lucky as you were I didn't know what was happening to me, I had no information on what I was, I lost my battle, because I wasn't mentally prepared. But you are officially a guardian. Your brother, his pack, and the innocents are your responsibility. You already have far more information than I did. Our kind is so very rare there is very little information except what is shared between guardian and guide." She explained. The little floating light above us became bigger and brighter it was the size of a small table now. She looked over her shoulder at it and helped me to my feet.

"So, what I learned from Derek that was all true and accurate?" I asked fumbling a bit as I got to my feet. She was inspecting the light that was slowly getting brighter. I was feeling weaker and getting dizzy, kinda like when you stand up too fast after sitting down for a while. But this felt much different, like I was fading away as the light became larger and brighter.

"It is. And one day I'll share the story of our kind, of Apollo and Artemis. We don't have much time, but you are the biggest defense your pack has, you are their protector, but they're also yours" the light next to us was expanding more and more and becoming blinding I could barely see Lisa's angelic features. "Trust your instincts and your heart they will guide you. Stay true to yourself and guide him, he will need it." I could only see blinding white light and feel her hands on mine. My ears were ringing as her sentences became more urgent and she was talking faster "And train whenever you can your powers will grow stronger over time... take care of yourself Elianna, I'll see you again."

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